Title: Jealousy wears a S-shield T-shirt
Author: darthbatgirl
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own
Characters: Kon/Tim
Summary: Robin smiles at Arsenal
A/N: Mistakes are all still mine. Feedback is always loved
"You hit him. Raven had to heal Arsenal's nose," Robin said with exasperation.
"I know what I did," Superboy said evenly as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Well thats good, mind sharing with the rest of us?" Robin asked trying and failing to keep his voice under control. They stood on top of Titan's Tower a few feet apart, a summer breeze ruffled Robin's cape.
Superboy shrugged his shoulders turning away from Robin.
Robin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, willing the tension headache he felt building to go away. "Superboy - Kon, I've got Nightwing down below demanding to know why a member of my team hit a member of his team, and I'm going to have to give him more that a shoulder shrug."
"You smiled at him," was Superboy's answer.
"I - what?!"
"You smiled at him," Superboy said rounding on Robin. "You were down at the pool with him. He said something and you smiled at him."
Robin raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. Mentally he hoped the infirmary was stocked with the heavy duty aspirin, because he was planning on taking half the bottle when he was done. "You broke Arsenal's nose because I smiled at him? Kon I am capable of smiling at people."
Superboy shook his head as he took a step nearer to Robin. "No you don't. You smirk at people, or you have this Hi-I'm-friendly-but-distant look you give people, but you don't smile at them," Superboy's voice shook with repressed emotion as his gaze seemed to devour Robin. "You don't smile at them," he repeated. "But you do smile at me. You gave him my smile."
All expression fell from Robin's face as he looked at Superboy. For the first time since the start of this conversation Superboy stopped looking indifferent and started - in a small amount - to look ashamed. "Your smile," he said as he took a step away from Superboy.
"He didn't even do any thing to earn it." Superboy said glaring at an imaginary Arsenal. "Sometimes I have to work so hard to get one, I push myself harder during practice, I think before getting involved in a situation, I wear the cologne that you like, and all Arsenal did was stand there."
Anger and frustration welled up in Robin as he headed for the door. "You're the one who didn't want a commitment."
"Tim wait," Superboy said as he came up behind "I'm sorry. I know we agreed to keep things quiet about us . . "
"You wanted to keep things quiet - can't ruin your 'rep'," Robin said bitterly, the words from their conversation coming back to him.
Superboy ran his hand through his hair in frustration, "I didn't know it would feel like that to see someone flirt with you, and then you smiled at him - and - and it was my smile."
"Welcome to my world," Robin said softly as he headed toward the door again, the hurt a quick shadow across his face.
Superboy quickly placed himself between Robin and the door - though he made sure he wasn't to close to Robin's grip - yet. "Man, did I hurt you? Because I never wanted to do that."
" You didn't want anyone to know about us so we kept it a secret, so I got to watch as you flirted with every girl that crossed your path and leer at every surfer guy that came your way. The one time that someone actually pays the smallest amount of attention to me, you go all caveman and break his nose, but you didn't mean to hurt me. You know Kon, the freaks in Gotham mess with my head less than you do," Robin yelled finally giving into his anger.
"Then why did you agree to it?" Superboy ask softly.
"Because I'm stupid and pathetic enough to want you anyway I can have you," Robin answered just as softly, his head bowed.
Suddenly two strong arms wrapped around Robin, pinning his arms to his side, as he was pulled against a warm chest, and a pair of soft lips covered his own silencing any other words. The kiss lasted for what seemed forever to Robin and he wasn't certain, but he could have sworn that at one point they had left the ground. It was only when breathing became an issue that they broke the kiss. Superboy brought one hand up to card through Robin's hair while the other arm pulled Robin in even closer than before. His breath warmed Robin's skin as he place small kisses along his jawline. "You're not stupid, that's my job in this relationship."
"Yeah, this thing I almost loust up by not letting everyone know that you're my boyfriend - I mean if you still want to that is," Superboy said letting worry seep into his voice.
"Yeah I want to, only if you promise to stop breaking random people's noses," Robin said with the first real grin he could remember having on his face in weeks.
"Dude, that was so not some random person. That was Arsenal and he was totally flirting with you, I was just protecting your honor."
"Sure, Kon whatever makes it easy on you," Robin said with a chuckle. "Which leads to the question of what do I tell Nightwing?"
"The truth of course,"Superboy said with a smile.
"The truth?"
"Yeah, that your boyfriend went super crazy possessive of you and if Arsenal tries putting the moves on you again I'll break his arm."