fic: Masquerade

Mar 26, 2012 09:49

Title: Masquerade
Author: darthbatgirl
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Characters: Dick, Jason, Damian, Alfred, Tim
Summary: It's a mix up night at a costume party for the Wayne Boys.
Word Count: 589
Warnings: family fluff
A/N: inspired by this pic

“Dick I'd call you a doofus, but that would be insulting doofuses world wide,” Jason said as he reclined on his brother's bed.

Dick grinned as he pulled up the cowl of his costume, “Oh come on you like this idea.”

Jason snorted, “Well it's the less lame idea the old man had for a while.”

“Oh come on, you really think Bruce came up with this idea? This idea was totally Lucius' idea all the way.” Dick laughed.

In truth the idea of this year's Wayne Foundation costume ball theme being Super Heroes was Lucius Fox's idea, much to the obvious displeasure of the CEO. Dick on the other hand embraced the idea wholeheartedly and with minimal amount of pestering, got Jason on board too.

Over a dinner of ribs and beers, ( which Jason said Dick had to buy in order for him to go along with this), they kicked around several ideas for the costumes for themselves and Tim and Damian. Ideas for the original Teen Titans uniforms, various JLAers, and even the Blackhawks were brought up and discarded and finally settling on the four of them swapping costumes.

Damian and Tim were less than thrilled with what the two older Robins had come up with. Damian tutting and glaring and outright refusing to go along with this “extremely childish behavior.” Tim was less vocal, in the fact he just said he had liked last year's theme of fictional characters, and Dick countered with saying Tim only wanted to dress up as Sherlock Holmes again. They agreed to draw names out of a hat to decide who got who's costume (and no Damian you can't have your own put your name back.) Dick drew Red Robin, Jason had Robin, Damian had Red Hood, and originally Tim had Nightwing, but after the first fitting and seeing how the skin tight costume hugged Tim lithe body , even Alfred was suggesting maybe a back up costume was in order, so now Tim was going as Batman.

Dick adjusted his belt and turned to Jason, “So how do I look?”

“Like Dr. Midnight is going to kick your ass,” Jason smirked.

“Tim's right, that joke is getting old,” Dick said as he rolled his eyes behind the cowl, “And shouldn't you be getting dressed? The party will be starting in an hour.”

“Oh nag, nag, nag. You're sounding like Alfred, or worse Tim,” Jason said as he rolled off the bed and headed to his own room.

Dick chuckled and headed downstairs to help with the final preparations. Alfred was directing the caterers, making the final approvals on the menu, and straightening Damian's jacket. “There now Master Damian you're already.”

“Tt this isn't a party Pennyworth. It's Grayson's attempt to prove he is indeed a child.”

“Aw come on Damian, it's not like I choose this year's theme.” Dick said as he ruffled Damian hair.


“You might as well give it up Dick, Damian's not going to be enthusiastic about the party,” Tim said as he walked up. His cowl was pushed back. He was absolutely beautiful in the suit, the cape framed Tim's form perfectly, and Dick got a weird feeling of what might have been. “So should we take bets on how long it takes Jason to make a Dr. Midnight joke?” Tim asked.

“He already made one,” Dick chuckled. Man this is going to be a fun night.”

tim, batfamily, damian, robin, dick, red hood, jason, alfred, nightwing, red robin

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