fic: Tis the Season for Unusual Wonderful Things to Happen - part 1

Dec 24, 2011 21:56

Title: Tis the Season for Unusual and Wonderful Things to Happen part 1
Author: darthbatgirl
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Characters: Dick/Roy/Tim, Bruce/Clark, Kon, Kara,Damian, Ace, Krypto, Barbara, Ra's Al Ghul, Jervis Tetch
Summary: Once upon a Christmas time Dick and Roy met a bird in a cage
Word Count: 3766
Warnings: AU, humor
A/N: Well yeah this took me way longer than I thought to get off the ground sorry about that folks, Think of it as just in time for Christmas - at least the first part.

Snow crunched under Dick's feet as he walked down the street of the sleeping town. Curtains were drawn tight as people slumbered and not a soul was out. The night sky seemed so big with countless stars shining brightly. Dick shoved his hands in his coat pocket wishing he had grabbed a heavier coat to wear, but how was he to know there would be a snow fall tonight. It didn't snow in Central City.

Suddenly the back of of his head felt cold and wet, snow slipped under his collar and making him shiver. He spun around to find a young woman standing behind him. She was dressed in a fine blue dress with a silvery gray cape wrapped around her shoulders. Her long red hair was piled up in a bun on the top of her head, loose strands framed her face in curls. A smile tugged at her lips as she walked nearer. “Thought you were quicker than that Dick.”

“Well to be fair I wasn't expecting a snowball fight tonight,” Dick said as he bowed and held out his arm to her.

She gave into the smile that wanted to break free as she walked passed him down the street. “The city looks beautiful in the snow doesn't it? Very Christmasy don't you think?”

“It does,” Dick said falling into step beside her. Wreaths adorn doors, twinkling lights were strung between lamp posts and garland was wrapped around everything else. The snow was the final piece that was missing. “Always like snow at Christmas, it just makes everything more festive, but this is just a dream.”

“You think so?”

Dick nods as he hums an affirmative. “I've been coming to Central City since I've been able to walk. It has beautiful buildings, friendly people, it's airship port is second to none, but it doesn't snow here. Not even for Christmas. Believe me, I've asked plenty of times.”

The woman threw back her head and laughed, “You mean Lord Wayne couldn't ship in a couple of boat loads of snow in for his eldest?”

Dick chuckled, “He tried once, when I was ten. He had the house covered with it on Christmas Eve, by morning it had all melted. It's just to warm here for snow.”

She gave Dick a chuckle, “Perhaps.”

They walked in companionable silence. They watched the city fill with snow and holiday lights twinkle in competition with the stars. Suddenly Dick stopped and listened, a lilting soft melody seemed to drift up from a side street. Dick couldn't help but turn and follow it.

“Dick? Dick, where are you going?”

“That music. I need . . . where is it coming from?” Dick asked as he turned down the alley Looking in a window or two.

“Oh that's just the bird. He always sings this time of night.”

“It's beautiful,” Dick whispered.

“The bird's restless in his cage. He wants to get out, maybe he's singing to you,” the woman said as she peered over his shoulder.

“Singing to me?”Dick chuckled. “You think the little bird is looking to escape?”

“Not that he would know he was,” The woman said as she headed back the way they came. “But if you let him out he can make it snow for you.”

“It can't snow here,” Dick said as he began to follow her, though he kept looking over his shoulder for the source of the music.

“If you say so.”

* * * *

With a start Dick woke from the dream. He yawned and stretched out, pillowing his head on his arms, the dream already fading from his memory. A knock at the door drew his attention to the door.

“Master Dick, breakfast will be ready in ten minutes.”

“Alright Alfred, be right down,” Dick called as he kicked off the covers and rolled out of bed. He wandered over to the window by his desk and pushed the drapes opened and leaned against the window frame. Already the streets of Central City were filling up as people started their day.

Central City, a city unto itself, warm and almost tropical in it's climate. It lied on the borders of five of the Providences without any permanent ties to any of them. Making it a perfect neutral place for the ruling bodies to gather for meetings. So twice a year, the Lords - or heads of the ruling Providences - gathered. Why they decided Christmas was an ideal time to meet Dick never knew, but every year Lord Bruce Wayne packed his family up for a month in Central City. The Wayne house sat in the middle of the city, unlike other Lords, who had their households on the outskirts of town, the Waynes had always preferred staying in town.

All in all though, it wasn't a bad town. It had it's own energy that was so different than Gotham. It was bustling and always moving, new things were always popping up around town. Even now the streets were filling up with combination of horse drawn carriages and horseless carriages and various other mechanical forms of transportation and the sky was slowly filling up with gliders that was the “in thing” for right now.

The gliders were brightly colored fabric stretched over rods and fastened to the flier's back. Direction was controlled by steering the longest of rods and the so called “wings” folded down nicely onto the back of the harness.

They were fun looking, but Dick had better ways to fly over the rooftops. One glider caught his eye as it drifted closer to the house which made Dick frown. It was very well known that Lord Wayne had a low opinion of uninvited guests. A red glider arched over to the manor house. The flier picked up an up draft bringing him right up to pass Dick's window.

Dick grinned and let out a laugh as Roy Harper sailed past his window. With a smirk and a wink Roy arched away from the manor and made a loop up to a balcony on the floor above Dick's room. With a shake of his head Dick opened his window and easily climbed up to the balcony. “Someone got a new toy,” he observed as Roy folded down his glider.

“All the cool kids have them now,” Roy said he took off his goggles and ran a hand through his too short red hair and leaned against the railing Dick was sitting on. Dick and Roy had practically knew each other their entire lives thanks to the Lords' Meeting. As Dick was the eldest son of Lord Bruce Wayne, Roy was the eldest of Lord Oliver Queen of the Star City providence, the two had becomes quick friends and then friendship turned to love. Truthfully it wasn't always easy, they both had responsibilities to their families that kept them apart, but . .they didn't mind a challenge.

Roy's eyes roamed over Dick appreciatively, he smiled as he took in the tank top and sleep pants Dick was still wearing, “And I see someone just rolled out of bed, should have gotten here earlier.”

Dick chuckled and leaned down for a kiss, his hand cupped Roy's cheek. Roy wrapped his arm around Dick's waist humming happily into the kiss. Dick smiled against Roy's lips, “Alfred's calling everyone down for breakfast.”

“Perfect timing as always,” Roy laughed.

Dick grinned and shook his head as he grabbed Roy's hand and lead him into the house. “Come on I need to grab some clothes before we head down stairs. Want a change too? Dick asked as he took in Roy's simple red short sleeve shirt and heavy leather pants he wore whenever he tinkered with one of his projects.

“Is Alfred stepping up the dress code for meals?”

“Nah, but I remember how Damian fussed the last time you showed up,” Dick said.

Roy gave a low laugh, “I think I can handle your little brother.”

“Yeah that's what I'm worried about, you two always end up in some kind of argument,” Dick grinned shaking his head.

Five minutes later found Dick and Roy walking down the stairs, freshly pressed light blue pants and crisp white shirt with a light yellow waistcoat replaced Dick's rumpled sleep clothes. They walked into the informal dining room to see Lord Bruce Wayne sitting at the table sipping his tea and as always Clark Kent, Lord of Metropolis and Bruce's hand fasted partner, sat at his right murmuring something softly in Bruce's ear. Seated also at the table was Bruce's youngest son Damian and Clark's son Conner and his cousin Kara. Laying on the floor was Ace and Krypto, Bruce and Clark's dogs, who Clark kept dropping bits of bacon to them despite the disapproving look Bruce gave him.

Damian looked up at Dick and Roy came in and made a face, “When did he show up?”

“Aw good morning to you too Damian,” Roy said as he ruffled the boy's hair as he passed by. The look on Damian's face turned into an outright glare.

“Roy,” Bruce said smoothly before Damian could make any more comments. “What do we owe this morning visit?”

Roy gave a respectful nod to his head to Lord Wayne as Dick waved him to a chair next to Conner, who greeted Roy with a friendly jab to his arm. “I was just in the neighborhood.”

Dick chuckled as he sat down next to Roy as Alfred brought over a place setting for Roy, “Roy got a glider and was showing it off.”

“A glider?!” Conner said excitedly, “That's so cool! Can I get one?!” Conner asked turning his gaze to Clark.

“Why would you want one though?” Kara asked. “It's not like you need one.”

“Everyone has one,” Conner as if that explained everything.

Before any more comments could be made, Alfred cleared his voice, “Breakfast is ready sirs and lady.” He started placing plates in front of everyone, leaving a closed letter in front of Bruce to read.

Bruce picked up the letter as he ate his toast, opening it up one handed he scanned the contents and his shoulders became tense and the look on his face became hard and some what dangerous.

Clark sensed the change in his lover immediately, laying a hand gently on his arm. “Love . . Bruce what is it?”

“Seems the Lords meeting will be gaining an addition this year,” Bruce said as he passed the letter to Bruce to read.

“Who is it?” Dick asked.

“Ra's Al Ghul.”

The relaxed, light-hearted atmosphere of the dining room shifted into something tense at the mention of that name. Even Alfred's shoulders looked a little tense as a moment of silence seemed to descend upon them.

“He should not be allowed to attend,” Damian said with a low growl.

“The shrimp's got a point,” Conner said, ignoring the face Damian made at him, “I mean he's kind of evil isn't he? I mean he hangs out with assassins and stuff right?”

“He is a Lord and though he has chosen not to be an active participant in the ruling body he has every right to attend despite what the rest of us might think of him,” Bruce said in an even voice.

“But he's never come before has he?” Kara asked.

“He did once,” Dick said, “When I was about Damian's age. It didn't go so well.”

“It says here,” Clark waving the letter a little,”That he arriving today by way of airship.”

“What time?”Bruce asked.

“According to this in about two hours if he decides to show up on time,” Clark said. He raised an eyebrow seeing the glint in Bruce's eye. “What are you thinking?”

“I thought it would be nice to welcome him. In the spirit of the holiday and all of that.”

* * * *

A little over an hour later found them all piled in one of Bruce's carriages traveling through the city. Red ribbons and garland hung from every awing and circled every light post. People were already going from shop to shop doing their shopping, “All that's missing is the snow,” Dick said wishfully.

Damian snorted, “Again with the snow. I swear Richard you are an infinite child.”

“Better to be a child full of wonder than a cold Scrooge don't you think little brother?” Dick grinned.

“Tiny Tim you are not,” Damian scoffed, “And what is it with that hat?”

Dick touched the brim of the blue top hat with light yellow band around it that matched his suit perfectly. “It's the height of fashion, very stylish.”

“You look like a cartoonish dandy,” Damian said sniffing, “But at least you made an attempt to look presentable,” Damian scoffed eying Roy's more relaxed attire.

“Aw the midget doesn't approve, didn't know there was a dress code short stuff.”

Damian's eyes narrowed, “You may consort with my brother but don't think that gives you familiarity with me. You my call me Esquire Wayne.”

With that both Roy and Conner dissolved into laughter. “Don't mind the shrimp,” Conner said between laughs. “He thinks he's little Lord Wayne already.”


Bruce gave an almost chuckle from his seat at the front of the carriage with Clark. “Damian I've seen you spare with four or five skilled opponents, surely verbal sparing is no different?”

Dick hid a smile behind his hand as Damian failed to find an alley with his father.

“You know Damian, they're just picking on you to get a rise out of you,” Kara pointed out.

Damian just glared at her and crossed his arms as Roy and Conner laughed,the rest of the trip to the ship yards were filled with the boys' verbal sparring.

The sky above the airship yard was filled ship coming in and leaving. Brightly colored sails and balloons fill the air as they kept up beautifully made ships. It almost looked like an air ballet as each ship easily maneuvered around their counterparts. Lord Bruce's carriage made it's way to a ship that was already docked. The ship was massive, with both sails and a hot air balloon, in gold and green colors, the ship itself was impressive and drew the eye.

Bruce signaled for the carriage to stop and got out, followed by the others and they made their way to the gang plank where a small group of people were coming down. Bruce easily spotted Ra's Al Ghul. He had looked exactly like he had years ago, neatly pressed suit, top hat on his head, and a walking stick in hand. The broad shouldered, clean shaven man was Ubu, Ra's most trusted and loyal servant Ra's was never seen without him. Though it was the other two that drew Bruce's attention.

“Well if isn't Lord Bruce Wayne,” Ra's drawled. “Here to greet me? Truly I am honored.”

Bruce stopped at the base of the gangplank. Clark stood to his right with Damian behind him looking like he was trying not to fidget. Dick and Roy stood off to Bruce's right with Kon and Kara lagging behind. “Ra's . .” Bruce said evenly. “It's been a good many years since you've been to Central City. I'm wondering why?”

“Direct as always Wayne,” Ra's said. “I almost missed that about you,” his eyes slid over to Clark. “And I see your choice of companions has not improved since we last met.”

“Nice to see you again too Ra's,” Clark said giving him nod.

Ra's made a slight sniffing noise content to ignore the fact that Clark had said anything at all. “And Damian, how good it is to see you again.”

“ . . Thank you grandfather,” Damian said stiffly. He crossed his arms and gave a look of disdain that matched Ra's.

“You can so tell those two are related,” Roy murmured in Dick's ear. Dick grinned and was about to reply when Ra's stepped aside and motioned someone forward, “In an attempt to curb your curiosity in my affairs Wayne, allow me to introduce my ward, Timothy Drake.”

A young man walked forward, he was dressed similarly to Ra's his suit was a dark green that it almost looked black, his black hair looked almost silk like and fell into his eyes which he nervously pushed away. If Dick would have guessed he would have said he was about fourteen in age, but there was something about the way the boy held himself that made Dick think he was older.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Lord Wayne,” Timothy said softly.

“Thank you Timothy,” Bruce answered back, a genuinely surprised look on his face as he regarded the boy.

Almost before he realized what he was doing, Dick walked forward, followed by Roy, until he was standing in front of Timothy, “Allow me the pleasure of introducing myself, I'm Richard Grayson, but my friends call me Dick,” Dick said as took off his hat and bowed to Timothy.

Roy shadowed Dick's bow with one of his own and reached out and took Timothy's hand, “Roy Harper, at your service.”

A slow smile spreads across Timothy's face, his blue eyes sparkle and crinkle up at the corner, slight blush forms over his cheeks, and for one moment the whole world melts away until it's just he three of them. Until Ra's puts his hands on Timothy's shoulders and, gently but firmly, pulls him away from the two older boys and over to Ubu, giving Roy and Dick a cold hard glare.

Turning his attention back to Bruce, Ra's waved over his shoulder at the shorter man standing behind him. “And this is . . .”

“Jervis Tetch,” Bruce supplied. Tetch raised his top hat at the mention of his name, hair the color of straw sticking out in random directions.

“Yes,” Ra's said smile at Bruce's recognition of the man, “He's Timothy's tutor.”

“Tutor? What is he teaching him?” Bruce asked.

At that moment the whirling sound of a motor of a horseless carriage came driving up behind them. “It seems that our ride is here,” Ra's said motioning his group to the carriage. “It was so very kind of you to come great us Lord Wayne.” Ubu jumped up in the front seat with the driver and Tetch and Timothy climbed in the carriage.

“Ra's you hadn't answered my question, Why are you here?” Bruce called after them.

“You are right Wayne, I didn't answer you,” Ra's said as he tipped his hat to Bruce and hopped in the carriage after Timothy.

* * * *

Hours later Ra's sat in his study. He pour over building plans and time schedules and pages of notes. Soon very soon everything will fall into place and he'll have everything he wanted. The lilting tone of a flute echoed down the hallway. A smile graced Ra's features, he stacked up the various papers and locked them in a drawer and headed down the hall.

He peered into the music room and watched Timothy play. Truly the boy was talented, his musical talents alone was worth the effort Ra's put into acquiring the boy. He glanced at the machine that was opposite of the boy. Discs whirled around as pastel lights shined on the boy's slack face and a metronome sounded. Tetch walked around Timothy making sure to stay out of the light. He made soft cooing noises offset by little giggles. As the metronome slowed to a stop Tetch took his place before a music stand waving his hands in the air as if he'd been conducting Timothy the entire time as the metronome stopped and the lights turned off. “Wonderful job Timothy. Wonderful job.”

The last note hung in the air warm and vibrant, Timothy blinked his eyes almost owlishly as if he was just waking up. “ . . thank you Master Tetch. I - I did well?”

“Of course you did,” Tetch said as he came over and clapped the boy on his shoulders. “Like you always do. Never have I had a more gifted pupil.”

“I couldn't agree more,” Ra's said stepping into the room.

“My Lord!” Tim said in surprise, giving a little bow.

“Now Timothy. No need for such formality, we are family now correct?” Ra's said as he squeezed Timothy's shoulder.

Timothy blushed and nodded, “Yes my Lord. We are.”

“And as my family you have given me great joy and I would like to share that joy,” Ra's waved his hand at Tetch who smiled and bowed to retrieved a box to hand to Ra's.

“My Lord, you've given me so much already,” Timothy said in protest.

“Nonsense, it's the season of giving after all,” Ra's said as he took the flute from him and placed the box in his up turned palm.

Timothy opened the box to reveal a beautiful gold pocket watch. “My Lord . . it's beautiful. Thank you. I'll treasure it always,” he said a small smile on his lips.

“You are more than welcome my boy. Now it's almost time for dinner. Go clean up.” Ra's said softly as he cupped Timothy's cheek before sending him from the room.

He waited till he could no longer hear the boy's footsteps before he turned to Tetch. “How is he progressing?”

“Wonderfully my Lord,” Tetch said bobbing his head excitedly. “Every day he grows stronger, I've never seen anyone with the reach he has.”

“And does he suspect?”

“Oh no my Lord. All Timothy suspects is that he gets lost in the music. He has no idea what's really going on.”

“Good. You have done well Tetch,” Ra's nodded.

“I live but to serve,” Tetch said bowing.

“Tetch, I'm going end the world and remake it as it should be, and that boy is the key to everything.”

damian, kara, babs, ace, bruce/clark, dick/roy/tim, kon, ras al ghul, alfred, krypto, jervis tetch

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