Jul 20, 2011 22:28
Okay so being without the internet for a day isn't the end of the world, but I really don't like it. Night before last the battery to our router died, hubby bought new battery all was good until about 4:30 then everything died again so we needed to call the phone company out to the house to fix things. All is well now. :)
It wasn't a complete loss, I got some writing done and made icons. I have a new obsession, it's an anime called Gakuen Heaven, anyone heard of it? And there might even be fic in the near future. Look at me I'm branching out. So what's been going on with everyone else in the last day or so?
And just because a meme that's been floating around:
Give me a pairing and I will tell you:
1. What they most commonly do during sex
2. Who has prettier hair
3. What they argue about most often
4. Who'd cope best if the other one died
5. The happiest plausible happily-ever-after I can think of for them.