What have I been up to

Jul 09, 2011 23:20

Well yesterday was inventory at work so all this week was prepping for that. So on Thursday  I worked a 12-9 shift.  I hate having to do that because on Friday I have to be there at 5:45 am. "groans" So anyway The inventory went okay except it was slow because we were short a person in doing the scanning. The powers that be decided  two scanners (me and a girl from stock and house that helps out) was enough. They put our other full time worker on closing "rolls eyes" We tried to tell them we needed her during the day but do they listen? Oh no, lets not listen to the women who've been doing this for ten years.

So after inventory was done we had first and further mark downs and a huge truck to do. So we had a ton of work to do, which actually was nice since it kept us busy. Since this time we were scheduled to work till four o'clock vs the two o'clock like normal.

So I get home get something to eat, had hubby fuss over me - it was nice. Gwen's over at my parents this weekend  So Kent went off to band practice and I rested and watched Gakuen Heaven. (I'm so addicted to that series right now.)  Then Kent came home and we watched a movie.

Then Kent started to feel bad. As a side note last January Kent had kidney stones and this was just like that, back hurting, stomach aching and hands and feet going numb. So after a couple of hours we went to the ER. and where we found out he had a gallstone instead of kidney stones. Wonderful. To top it all off we were there all night. We got there about one and left at around six in the morning. Half of that was due to the fact the nurses forgot about us.  And in case anyone was playing the at home game that meant I went a full twenty-four hours without sleep.

So we got home, got hubby in bed stayed up another hour to call into work to call off (had to wait till seven for anyone to be there)  and then crashed. Kent's been doing okay so far. He wants to be better and by pass the pain. Which I totally understand, and I've been napping on and off throughout the day. I haven't gotten to see the new Torchwood yet, but hopefully after Kent gets better we can watch it.

So that's what's new with me.


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