fic: A Midnight Token

May 10, 2011 14:20

Title: A Midnight Token

Author: darthbatgirl

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I own nothingness

Characters: Damian, Tim, Dick

Summary: An attack is an attack, except for when it isn't.

Word Count: 613

Warnings: very slight language, first crush

A/N: May drabble fill for aiyokusama  for her prompts of Damian/Tim, first love shenanigans

Tim couldn't remember the last time he was this tired. He was pretty sure the tips of his hair hurt. After he typed up a quick report of the night's activities down in the cave and took a quick shower, Tim slowly made his way up to his room and flopped on his bed, not even bothering to get under the covers.

Tim wasn't sure how long he was asleep for, but a creek in the floor boards made his head pop up. He rubbed his eyes sleepily, blinking rapidly until Damian's form came into view. He groaned and let his head flop back onto his pillow, “Go away Damian..”

“Tt,” came the imperious answer. “Just look at you. What a disgrace.”

“The door is ten steps behind you. Turn around and go back to to your room, down to the kitchen, anywhere that's not here,” Tim growled with his face buried in his pillow.

“I don't take orders from you.”

“Yeah I've got that,” Tim said as he propped himself up with his elbow. “So why are you here?”

For a moment Damian looked uncertain, but Tim was certain it was his imagination when he saw a flash of silver arch in the air toward his head. He rolled out of bed with a curse and lunged for his bo staff, extending it. “What the hell is your problem?”

“The problem is that you're weak and ill fitted to fight by my Father's side. You could not even detect when I opened the door to your room,” Damian declared as he lead with a kick to Tim's head. Tim ducked the kick but backed up into his book case, causing some of the books to fall down as he swung out with his bo staff trying to drive Damian off.

Suddenly the door burst opened and Dick came in flicking on the light switch, “What the hell is going on here?”

Tim sighed and gestured to Damian, “Ask him! He's the one that planned the sneak attack while I was trying to sleep.”

Dick turned to Damian with an expectant look,” Well?”

“I was merely testing how sharp Drake's reflexes were after a long night of patrol. Obviously not very sharp. I recommend him being benched until he improves on them.”

“Why you little . . .” Tim began.

“Tim why don't you hit the hay okay. I'll take care of this,” Dick said as he walked up to Damian, putting a hand on his shoulder and guided him out the door.

Dick walked Damian all the way to his bedroom, and then held out his hand, “Knife please.”

With a snort Damian handed over his knife and then turned to his door.

“You know there are better ways of getting his attention.”

“Tt, as if I would ever want Drake's attention for anything,” Damian said before slipping in his room and closing the door behind him.

He went over to his desk, sitting down and turning on the light. He opened up his left hand that held the lock of hair he had managed to cut off and smiled. It hadn't gone completely as he had planned. He was certain Tim would have been too tired to wake up and he hadn't realized there was a loose floorboard, but still . . .

He dug inside the lower drawer and pulled out a locket and placed the lock of hair inside and slipped the locket around his neck. For now it was enough, this small token, until he was ready to really get Drake's attention.

damian/tim, dick, tim, nghtwing, damian, robin, red robin ii

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