Если бы в Вижуал Студио были ачивменты

Jan 27, 2011 23:42

  • Falling Down - Created a new SharePoint project
  • Job Security - Written a LINQ query with over 30 lines of code
  • The Sword Fighter - 5 Consecutive Solution Rebuilds with zero code changes
  • Shotgun Debugging - 5 Consecutive Solution Rebuilds with a single character change
  • The Mathematician - Defined 15 local variables with a single character name
  • The Academic - Written 1000 lines of F#
  • Spaghetti Monster - Written a single line with more than 300 characters
  • Wild One - Mixed tabs and spaces for indentation more than 5 times in a single line
  • The Organizer - Created a Solution with more than 50 projects
  • The Portal - Created a circular project dependency
  • The Multitasker - Have more than 50 source files open at the same time
  • The Code Keeper - Uninstalled Resharper because it made you redundant
  • Pasta Chef - Created a class with more than 100 fields, properties or methods
  • Procedural Programmer - Created a method with more than 10 out parameters
  • Steam Powered - Added Visual Studio as a Steam game
  • The Poet - Written a source file with more than 10,000 lines
  • The Enterprise - Build Solution took more than 10 minutes
  • Highway to Hell - Successfully created a WCF service
  • The Explainer - Written a comment with more than 100 words
  • TPS Reports - Created a Crystal Reports Project
  • Rage Quit - ALT+F4 after a failed bug fix
  • Ooooh Shiny - Written 100 extensions methods
  • Look Ma - Written an infinite Fibonacci generator using yield
  • The Engineer - Killed a zombie with The Wrench
  • The Architect - Created 25 Interfaces in a single project
  • The Right Way - Test method is longer than the tested method
  • The Defender - Checked every argument for null exceptions
  • Pokemon Programming - Caught all the exceptions
  • Black Magic - Implemented a RealProxy
  • Gimme back my ASM - Used ILGenerator
  • I’m Sorry - Created a new Visual Basic Project
  • The SEO Expert - ASP.NET MVC Routing table with more than 100 routes
  • The Matrix - Windows Forms with more than 100 controls
  • The Daredevil - UpdatePanels nested more than 3 layers deep
  • Just a Test - Nested multiline C-style comments that caused a compilation error
  • Warm Bath - Successfully consumed a non .NET SOAP web service
  • Old School - Defined more than 100 static objects
  • The Cloner - Copy-pasted more than 50 lines
  • The Dependency - Referenced more than 30 projects
  • Paying the bills - Imported a Visual Basic project
  • First Hit - Included a Codeproject.com library into your project and it actually compiled
  • Paula - Define a firstname field with value Brillant
  • Every Option Considered - Created an enum with more than 30 values

(по наводке theirix, оригинал тыц)

in english, баян

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