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May 01, 2008 16:12

Well, here I am, back again and temporarily here... I shall try to randomly post every now and then. So, here is the update since my last set of posts.
Sandy (smsvv2@umkc.edu or smsmith1513@yahoo.com)(see also http://waterscorpion19.livejournal.com/) cheated on me with some guy named Phil that she loved in high-school and hadn't seen in 6 years. We split up, I moved back to my home area, she is going to move in with him and his kids in Washington state. She was preggers with his baby, but mis-carried. She still has my kitties, but I will get them on or around the 16th. Currently working 2 jobs, one as a gas station attendant, the other in the number one club in Missouri, the Twilight Zone. I am also currently working on putting some sort of housing on my property outside of Salem. I can't really say that I am sorry we broke up, but I don't like how it happened. The thing that really gets to me now is the loneliness... Laying in bed alone at night with no one to hold, no one to turn to and talk... I will post a poem I wrote on that subject on a later date... don't have it handy right now. Anyway that's me now, and me is goin'... so laterz.
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