Sherlock Fic: The Tumblr Crackficlets 2 - The Hedgehog Thing

Aug 09, 2012 10:24

Title: The Tumblr Crackficlets 2: The Hedgehog Thing
Author:  darth_stitch
Pairing:  Sherlock/John
Rating:  PG-13
Warnings:  Slashy schmoop, silliness, hedgehogs and how certain Army doctors resemble them?
Summary:  The second of my cracky Tumblr ficlets, fun little stories revolving around Sherlock BBC pictures that I find on the internets

OMG I CRACKED AGAIN.  (facepalm)

slash, john watson, omgwtfbbq, squee, sherlock holmes, omgwtf, fan fiction, sherlock bbc

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