SPOILERS! OMGWTFBBQ Hawaii Five-0 Season 2 Finale

May 16, 2012 02:28

I think this is now officially a trend with this show - DO NOT WATCH THE FINALE. THE PAIN IS TOO MUCH. WAIT FOR SEASON 3.

Shellburne is Steve's Mom? Seriously? Really?

I haven't seen the finale, opting to just spoil myself and see if it's worth my while to watch it.

Apparently, yet again, I should just wait for season 3 to roll in so I wouldn't be so tortured.

I am also trying to decide if I should think it awesome if they opt to cast Lena Olin as Steve's Mom. Or hilarified. Maybe all together.

I'm just waiting for Steve to suddenly get mentioned in some kind of prophecy involving Renaissance Italian artists and giant red balls.

Maybe this picture will express my feelings more eloquently:

 For the record, I found that picture on icanhazcheezburger.com but I made the poster on one of those nifty lolcat making sites (AutoMotivator).  My new hobby is making LOLcats - y'all should have warned me about how easy it is to get addicted....

cracktastic, omgwtfbbq, facepalm moment, hawaii 5-0

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