Title: All I Wish Is To Dream Again
Pairing: Abel x Esther
Rating: PG-15-ish (some violence up ahead)
Summary: Abel and Esther are on the trail of those mysterious werewolves and they happen upon the legend of an ancient vampire Prince who bears more than just a passing resemblance to our favorite Crusnik priest. Latest in the Milk Tea series.
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As for the name, please BLAME SETH. My Seth Muse was let loose in my fantasy book collection, wanted to use the name Artorius as a derivative of Arthur and saw my Michael Moorcock series featuring the WHITE-HAIRED Prince ELRIC of Melnibone and nagged me to put 'em together. Poor Abel - he WOULD have to keel over! XP
Why YES, I am including the whole Albion business. We'll get there. EVENTUALLY. How Abel & Esther are when we get there...well, I hear wedding bells. Thinking about it very seriously. Although, trust me, I'm not gonna go the whole cliche route and end it with a huge church wedding - ARGH, NO. Should make things very, very interesting, neh? We're gonna have to redefine this whole secret agent/travelling incognito thing....
*rubs paws gleefully*
Seth has a LOT to say about Abel's acting abilities but the trouble is she's quite aware she can't tell him EVERYTHING or it's not going to work. How do I put it - she knows Silly has teh Amazing Ability to charm the birds off the trees but it'll only work if Silly is quite unaware of that charm. And if he actually is, he'll probably freak out and go OMGWTFH because truthfully, he's got self-esteem issues up the wazoo and that comes out of having an older charismatic twin that everyone else ADORED (never mind if he triggered my psycho alarms from the start - HAH!).
Although Esther has begged Seth to PLEASE not enlighten Abel too much about Certain Matters, if only for the sake of womankind everywhere. It's bad enough that Seth has to encourage Silly here to set aside the goofy priest and act with a tad more poise....
*sweatdrops along with Esther*
There is a new fic up, although it's a sidestory/in-between fic, just to get me to breathe before I get back to Teh Massive Plot.
*reads fic* Good job. You've really got a knack for imagery.
You mean there's an ACTUAL person out there who resembles Abel Nightroad?
*falls over*
The mind... it boggles!
Heh. Glad you liked the new story, btw. XP
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