Dec 16, 2005 19:12
I can't tolerate your sadness
Cause it's me you are drowning
I won't allow any happiness
Cause everytime you laugh, I feel so guity, I feel so guilty
Am I forced to have any regret
I've become the lie, Beautiful and free
In my righteous own mind
I adore and preach the insanity you gave to me
Sell me the infection, it is only for the weak
No need for sympathy, The misery that is me
I've lost the ability to pain the clouds
Cause it's me you're draining
I'm stuck in this slow-motion dark day
Cause everytime you run, I fall.. Behind, I fall behind
And so I hear my voice again
The tale of the bitter man here I am
Shake the silence and hear what it says
The tranquil pride that become the lie
Sell me to infection, it is only for the weak
No need for sympathy, the misery that is me
Sell me to infection, it is only for the weak
On bleeding knees, I accept my fate
wednesday nothin big happened.. precalc started day, gay as ever. got my failed quiz back, w00t. find out i have a test friday. activity for dnd we goin to war. like 1000 v 1000! awesomeness. history i did nothing,. cept fail a cold mountain quiz. english was same old shit, i drew out halo mp maps and made strats for em cuz im a crazy mofo. the end. went home, jk2'ed it up. yesterday took russian test, did nothin for activity. chem i pwned all the questions, then pwned the lab. so easy, everyboyd else is like omgzwtfbbq. fucken noobs, then i went to religion, which was easy. then off to track :o first time was easy, then it gets harder cuz i get tired quick. went down, got somethin to drink, mel grabs it for a bit. mel grabs my tv on way out, im like wtf ill get she told me no.. go figure. then her phone rings so i answer it.. tis her dad, i figured it was nick.. kinda funny, and her dad knows im "stephen coombes, the genius kid" lmfao!! today was bullshit. no uniforms, which pwned!. new black jeans, new red sweatshirt. english wasnt bad, my tutor didnt show at actiivty, so i studied a bit for my test. the first half of test was easy, second half was pure bullshit. walked out for lunch after the test for an hour, snapped the mechanical pencil into a dozen pieces, and had lunch. then i went to nurses office for the last 30 minutes of precalc. went just in time to get to history, took quiz, took notes (rofl, we all no i NEVER take notes, unless i has a reason). went down to cafe to talk to people.. she looked so fucking beautiful today :o.. im way to obsessive.. went to track a touch late, showed up for relay. first time i get the thing, other team has a tiny lead, its gone within 150 ft. i sprint the top floor to get a lead on other person, then take a solid pace to keep said lead on bottom floor. but obviously, each time i went, i got slower. cangy wants to race me when im fresh sometime, hes convinced hes gonna lose. he prob will lol. i dont do the warmups, i know thats a joke.. it would just make me wicked tired early. gf.