Let the Snow Puns commence!

Jan 02, 2008 13:49

Well, back to work after a few days off. I feel well rested from the trip (now), and feel ready to snap back into work. I found out that the problems with my ID in getting me into the building were not imaginary -- rather I have paperwork to fill out and a training session before I can be allowed into the building during off-hours. Seems reasonable, but I'm not sure it's worth going through all that hassle until it's closer to the next building-closing holiday.

I've been getting inundated with SPAM of late. I had over 300 messages over the holiday weekend which were spam, and Thunderbird's junk-mail controls are a joke. So it's been fun getting messages with 'Re:' within the Subject block. So if anyone sends me a message without a subject line - be warned, I may not get it.

Not too much else going on, other than the weather looks like it seriously sucks (or blows depending on how you want to look at it) right now. I'm looking forward to curling up with a hot cup of something later.

We've been loving plowing through Six Feet Under, and very much enjoying it. I think I've said that before, but other than that: I don't have too much interesting going on.

Saving up for my Nidan test (probably be able to pay the fee at mid month). I guess I could afford it now, but I'm still trying to save up for that bike.

weather, karate, work

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