Drabble Meme

Dec 29, 2006 10:32

harmony_bites  gave me this fantastic Jayne/River drabble (safety) for Christmas.  So I-- despite my drabblephobia-- I'm giving in and posting the drabble meme:

To the first ten people who comment, I will write a 100-word drabble for the holiday season.

You must give me:
~ one of the following fanverses: Buffy/Angel, Firefly (please no post-Serenity, I only saw the movie once and my memory is not so great at the moment), Harry Potter, Farscape or NCIS (seasons 1 & 2 only)
~ a character (for genfic) or a pairing (if you want a little romance)
~ a keyword to use in the drabble or a color or other prompt.

In return, you must post this meme yourself and take on the first 10 requests.
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