My 507 words yesterday took forever. And a week. With one of those three-day weekends, to boot.
So, having never been sorted into Slytherin, I was thinking of scaling back my ambitions to a more modest 350. Or a positively demure 300.
Then I read
Harmony_Bites latest
postAnd gosh darn it, how could I let her down after that
Read more... )
You also make him both attractive and repulsive in return.
That is probably the ultimate compliment for someone writing Draco. I have one other WIP -- not a dramione, but just a plain Draco story (which I really should finish since it only has 1 chapter revision and 1 unwritten chapter to go). And my friend who was proofing it told me: "I love him and I hate him, I want to hug him and I want to throttle him." And I nearly cried, because that was exactly what I wanted to achieve.
Dramione that is also POST HBP (or maybe during HBP is more accurate) and takes HBP into account.
I love a good AU, but for some reason the SS/HGers tend to do them better than we do. I think in part because you get so much more characterization fodder for Snape in the early canon, that you can write something AU and still rich in canon, even if you only take into account the first 3 or 4 books. And the Head Boy/Head Girl thing does seem to be *everywhere*, though I have to admit to having a few of them in my favorites list...;-)
But I also like alot of the post Book 6 stuff best. Especially the recent stuff by argosy, yesterday_4, eucalyptus and bambu. Not mention harmony_bites's recent, brilliant one-shot, which totally made me cry.
I just hope and cross my fingers that if Harry/Ginny make an appearance you won't make them too idiotic. Oh and if you could spare Narcissa from getting immediately axed by Voldemort or Bella or Lucius at the end of HBP as a means of turning Draco forever to the light I would appreciate it.
LOL. Okay, I'll try to keep that in mind ;-). I have a little, tiny SS/NM kink, so Narcissa usually makes it out okay in my fics. But I have to confess to a certain love of torturing Lucius...
And you're description of the Draco piece really has me intrigued--I'd love to see it one day.
Really-- but only in good-crying way.
Kind of like the good-crying of say, seeing a new piece of harmony-fic...*eagerly anticipating an actual chapter from La Dame*
LOL. I dunno. That thing is such a mess its painful... I'm not sure it'll ever be in postable shape. Also, I have BOS at one moderated archive where they delete WIPs not updated in 4 months--and... Well....
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