Jun 12, 2006 23:53
Chi Sao is a Wing Chun sensitivity exercise, wherein two people "roll their arms together" (for lack of a better description) and use their Kung Fu to feel out weaknesses in one another's structure (horse stance, wrist and elbow placement, relaxation ... overall Kung Fu). Once someone feels the opening to strike, one participant attacks, the other defends. Not all attacks are successful, not all defenses are successful. However, if an attack or defense is successful, it tends to be overwhelmingly, unquestionably so. The attack will be such that it moves the defender's horse stance (even to the point of launching them across the room) or the defense will be such that no ground can be taken from the defender and now it will be his turn to be the aggressor. It's all about having the sensitivity of knowing how to "feel the right time and place to strike".
Events have fallen into place now where it's come time for me to play Chi Sao with my life and affairs. I didn't expect it to happen ... now. But then again, I'm not surprised by the sudden opportunities which have presented themselves, either. My Kung Fu pulled them into me. Now, to make sure that I know my Fu well enough to know what it can and can't handle, for the here and now.
And as I hit the waterfall today, it didn't reverse its course, but I swear, for just a second, it stopped ...
The adventure continues...