Sep 30, 2007 19:42

Sung by K1 and Mr.Delicious

Delicious: You know?
K1: I know!
Delicious: You die?
K1: I dead!

Together: 噂の事件簿ABC
K1: 圭一です yeah!
Delicious: 大石です
Together: さあさあみなさんご一緒に 事件の謎に迫りましょう
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!

Delicious: わたし興宮署の大石と申します。
良かったら わたしの車で お話ししませんか?
とって喰いやしませんよ 安心してください

K1: どうも 前原圭一です 割とフツーの男子 そんなカンジ
引っ越しサイコー 思った刹那 秘密のニオイ 狂った日常
被害者なのか加害者なのか なんだか混乱しています
よそ者 だから? そんな理由? ちょ。。。 ま。。。 マジっすかー!?

Delicious: Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa.
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa.
Together: Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa.
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa.

Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo...

K1: いったい何だっていうんだ? 俺が何をしたってゆうんだ? みんな仲好なんだよ! おにかくし? おにかくしって何のことなんだよ?

Delicious: 要注意人物? 。。。ん?
K1: 四次元ロッカー! 。。。かみ合いませんね?

Together: 噂の事件簿ABC
K1: 圭一です po!
Delicious: 大石です
Together: Together: さあさあみなさんご一緒に 事件の鍵を見つけましょう
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!

Delicious: お待たせしました大石 どうかしましたか?
K1: どうかしましたか?じゃないですよ ヒサンな事件 ズサンな捜査
Delicious: まあまあ少し落ち着いて、なにがどうしたと言うんです?
K1: 俺じゃない俺が現れたり 呪いだったり祟りだったり
願えば人いなくなったる 気配消えたり消されたり
Delicious: 大丈夫ですか 前原さん! 欲求不満で悩んでますか?
K1: なんで? どうしてそういう話に持って行きますか!?
Delicious: まあまあ 素に戻ってますよ?

Together: Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa.
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa.
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa.
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa.

K1: いったいどうなっちゃってるんだ?
Delicious: うん。。。 困りましたね
K1: 誰がなにをしたって言うんだ?
Delicious: 知ってることをなんでも話してください
K1: ごめんなさいごめんなさいってなんなんだよ!?
Delicious: Wooow
K1: みんな 夢だろう [???]
Delicious: 本当にそうですか?

K1: 3, 2, 1...
Delicious: はい

Together: Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!

Together: Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!

Together: みなさんご一緒に Yeah!

Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!

Delicious: はい大石です
K1: [gasps]
Delicious: 前原さん?どうかしましたか
前原さん! 今どちらですか?
Thank you!

Delicious: You know?
K1: I know!
Delicious: You die?
K1: I dead!

Together: This is the ABC of record for the incident everyone's talking about.
K1: I'm Keiichi, yeah!
Delicious: I'm Ooishi.
Together: Come now, ladies and gentlemen, let's take a close look at the mystery together.
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!

Delicious: I am Ooishi from the Okinomiya police department.
If you don't mind, let us talk in the car, shall we?
I won't eat you, please, calm down.
Let me hear what you have to say, Maebara Keiichi-san!

K1: Thank you! I'm Maebara Keiichi. I think I'm a relatively normal guy.
I thought changing residence was cool, then there's a smell of secrecy in the air and everything going crazy!
Am I the victim? Am I the criminal? I'm somewhat confused.
Is it because I'm an outsider? Is this the reason? Wh... is... is this for real!?

Delicious: Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa.
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa.
Together: Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa.
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa.

Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo...

K1: What on earth are you saying? What are you accusing me of? We're all good friends! "Demoned away"? What do you mean - "demoned away"?

Delicious: I should keep an eye on him... m?
K1: Fourth dimension rocker! ...we're thinking of different things, aren't we?

Together: This is the ABC of record for the incident everyone's talking about.
K1: I'm Keiichi, po!
Delicious: I'm Ooishi.
Together: Come now, ladies and gentlemen, let's find the key to this mystery together.
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!

Delicious: Sorry to make you wait, Ooishi here. Is something wrong?
K1: Don't "something wrong" me! A terrible tragedy... a sloppy investigation!
Delicious: Come now, settle down. So, you're saying something happened?
K1: It wasn't me! I'm coming clean. There's like an evil charm, a curse or something.
If I wish for it, people disappear, vanish without a trace.
Delicious: Are you alright, Maebara-san? Are you feeling frustrated?
K1: What? Why do you say that?
Delicious: Come on, won't you come back to your normal self?
I really like bunny girls, I do.

Together: Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa.
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa.
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa.
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa.

K1: Just what on earth is going on?
Delicious: Mmm... that's a bother, isn't it?
K1: Who did what, you say?
Delicious: By all means, tell me everything you know.
K1: What is this "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"!?
Delicious: Woooow
K1: Guys, this is a dream right? [couldn't make out this part]
Delicious: Is that really so?

K1: 3, 2, 1...
Delicious: Yes.

Together: Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!

Together: Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!

Together: Ladies and gentlemen, let's sing together!

Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes Hinamizawa!
I kill you, you kill me. No Hinamizawa!

Delicious: Yes, this is Ooishi.
K1: [gasps]
Delicious: Maebara-san? Is something the matter? Maebara-san! Where are you right now? Waaaaaaa... this is baaaaaaaad...
Thank you!

There you have it. Higurashi rap. Crazy stuff.


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