Why Machinima is a good thing...

Apr 06, 2006 15:50

I wanted to have a shot of my main characters walking away from a building that explodes behind them.

It took me a few tries to get it right...

Each time, I had my characters starting too close to the building, so the blast would accidently kill them too...it even made them explode in a shower of body parts.

Fortunately, I can just respawn everyone, if it had been a live action film, I'd be in trouble right now.

I bet this makes a lot of actors happy that I mostly create machinima.

EDIT: Now the characters that I accidently blew up earlier are refusing to follow my instructions, maybe I should get those explosives out again...

EDIT2: Well, who says threats of violence don't work? The first try after typing that and the shot went perfectly :D

film making, machinima, consanguinity

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