Aren't we full of irony?

Apr 05, 2010 23:21

I am amazed by the efforts we go to defend our world views and yet ignore the irony of what we do. We think modern medicine is god and then argue the evils of genetically engineered crops or athletes on steroids. And, no, that is not a mistake. I really do think some people treat medicine as some sort of deity that they worship. So I find it ironic that we then go after athletes as evil, or ignore doctor recommendations to not use medications such as penicillin because it tips the balance in favor of “super” bugs. Oh, by the way, we seem to be having a problem with those super viruses we were warned about in our hospitals. We seem to be fine with feeding our chickens and cows growth hormones and then wonder why our kids our maturing early after eating from these food sources.

So how do I stand on some of these subjects? I rank God above medicine. I believe God gave us the ability and much of the inspiration that has led to our advances in medicine. I also believe that we are still prone to the ancient problem of worshiping everything but God. The ancient Isrealites worshiped a graven image not long after being freed by grand miracle from the Egyptians. So when God gave us the inspiration and opportunity to make these advances in medicine, it is easy for us to forget the Grand Creator and focus on His gift instead. Sort of like those who worship the earth, trees, oceans, or any number of other things.

So how do I stand on medicine in my life? Let me make my own choice! If you think I am evil for choosing not to have the yearly flu vaccine, then get over it. Take the flu vaccine, while they are good at predicting the probable flu strains for the next year, I find it really ironic that the side effects for the flu vaccine are almost line for line the symptoms for the flu. And if they happen to get their predictions wrong, well, then you just got a vaccine for the wrong flu. In reality, the number of possible flu strains is so vast that the odds of curing the flu is ridiculous. Personally, I feel we should actually learn something from medicine, like symptoms to watch for, do not intentionally expose ourselves to the flu, and something we take all the medicine we can so we can ignore the most common and probably most important advice we usually receive... get lots of rest. Ironic that we take all the medicine to feel good so we can go about our lives to ignore the most important advice we get from our doctors. So when I refuse to take medicine often, what am I thinking? Perhaps I don't trust our dependence on medicine. True. It doesn't end there. When we are sick, how do we feel? Miserable. What do we want to do when we feel miserable? Nothing. What should we often do when we are sick? As little as possible, or nothing. In other words, God was infinitely wise is designing our immune system to encourage us to “shutdown” when we get sick. We still need to watch for warning signs, extreme fever or lengthy fever and a multitude of other things, like bleeding.... And if you don't believe in God, then think about millions of years of evolution creating an immune system designed to preserve the species.... Either way, medicine is great and allows us to save lives from injuries and illness that our bodies could not survive on their own. We just all too often ignore what a wonderful design our bodies really are. We stop believing that we can survive without medicine. It is hard to explain. I believe in the balance. I just don't know where it is. Medicine is not god, nor is it the devil.

As for athletes and steroids, I think it is terrible the pressure we put on them to perform that they take steroids. Steroids can be used to help various infirmities. So steroids are not evil. If athletes were not exploited as role models for our youth as well, then I probably wouldn't care if they took the risks that come with the abuse of steroids. My issue is that athletes on steroids, or anorexic super models, are being setup as the examples of great health and beauty for my children. In other words, they are taught unrealistic standards that are best achieved through unhealthy choices. Ironic, yes? So how do I feel about athletes using steroids? I am against it and they deserve to experience consequences for the choice, even the loss of their medals. I realize that some will falsely test positive. Some may actually have those medical conditions that I mentioned steroids are useful for. It is unfortunate that a few rotten eggs ruin it for the rest of us. Really. But I don't want those rotten eggs glorified as the examples for my kids.

How about genetically engineered crops? I believe we have the ability to feed far more than we currently do. In other words, the limits we set on the earth supporting human life is really because we set the limit. Whether through war or our vast supposed intelligence, we often do the very things that limit the earth's ability to support us. For example, we destroy crops because our farmers over produce so we can keep prices up with the hopes that this will help keep business thriving and then wonder why there are food shortages in the world (never mind that some countries would put heavy tariffs on our food to protect their local farmers). Amazing that we survive when we consider all we do to make it difficult. I know I haven't scratched the surface on what we do to hinder ourselves because there is very, very much I do not know.

Well, it is getting past time I get to bed. Ironic that I write this rant when I know the odds are that very few will read it. In essence, I am treating this like a journal entry. For a moment in time, I capture my thoughts so that months or years later I can come back and compare how my thoughts have grown, adapted, stayed the same, or changed.
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