So whilst I have no problems with people in relationships having a little extra fun on the side, what annoys me is the ones who do it without their partner knowing. In today's day and age, whilst poly relationships arnt exactly the norm, they are becoming more common and somewhat more acceptable. However, monogamy is still considered to be the standard, so unless otherwise discussed that's what your usually signing up for when you start a relationship.
Whilst things can change, I find its always best to talk to your partner and discuss things fully, the after it's happened, discuss again to make sure they are okay with the new situation. If not, well it would have been fun while it lasted.
Now back to my original subject, I cannot claim to be entirely without blame, I have cheated in past relationships, and I do understand the rush of emotions that can come with it. Every time it has happened in my case, normally I've been sick of the relationship and looking for an easy way out. A somewhat cowardly act but alas the truth.
Personally I don't think there's anyway I could keep up a girlfriend and a girl on the side. To much time, cost and emotional effort to try to keep the secret. I know some my revel in having that secret, but for me it's just tiring.
In conclusion, I disapprove of cheating, have no problems when everyone knows what's going on, and think it would be nice if everyone would talk to their partners more.
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