This is a slash community dedicated to any male character and D'Artagnan from the 2011 movie THE THREE MUSKETEERS. All fanfic, fanart, discussion centered on D'Artagnan SLASH are welcome here. Multiple pairing fic is allowed, but D'Artagnan SLASH must be the focused of your story. All other pairings must be background, incidental or simply a stop to reaching Anyone (whoever)/D'Artagnan.
Please read the
RULES before posting anything in the community. Those who do not follow them will have their posts deleted without warning, and if it happens once to many times, they will be ban.
This community is being monderated by only myself
sorrow_angel at the moment. If you have any problems/concerns/comments/suggestions about the community or someone, please contact me. If you have a disagreement with someone in the community, do NOT air your disagreements here; this is not your personal journal. Take it to your email and resolve them peacefully.
I'm looking forward to see what this community can come up with for D'Artagnan Slash , the musketeer who is too pretty to die *grins*. I hope that this community will grow and flourish, exposing the wonder of D'Artagnan Slash to all the poor souls out there.