Dude, the space shuttle's got NOSSSSSSSS!

May 04, 2007 23:51

Who knew paint could weigh 600lbs? Who knew Tungsten is the new Titanium? Who knew just oxygen (not fuel) could move a space shuttle? Who's head is spinning from all the NASA goodness?

That's right...me.

Started training with Abu yesterday, about 6 hours in the first day. Going over orbitor specs and the general launch sequence. Gonna be doing more and more of this in the next 2-3 months. I'm really looking forward to learning the Orion's specs, seeing as how it's just in development right now. Not looking forward to the math, but this isn't school. I don't have to have this memorized, I will ALWAYS have the forumlas and tables infront of me, computers doing it all too...this is NASA, you think they'd leave it up to a human. If anything they have a seperate team to just check calculations. Besides, I'm not going to be doing anything major with the math...so, it's all good.

AND, I guess I am a nerd. I take the most detailed notes out of us all. But, that's just how I am. Drawing diagrams and little tables and sorting it all out. Words alone aren't that useful, if you have the images to show you where everything is it's 10x better. I am going to make some cross diagrams of shuttle parts too, to help me a little. And, draw some tables with shuttle's crossrange, etc...You all don't need to know this boring stuff.

MAN, I can't wait for this summer...it's going to be SO fun and so new. This is one of those things I'm ok with making my career. Adding to the fact, when someone asks my parents what their son does they can say, "He works at NASA. He's on a shuttle research team."

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