The Secret Question Meme (of ultimate awesomeness!)

Sep 07, 2008 22:17

1. There are 30 questions.
2. Answer each question with one name.
3. Next to each number, write only the name of the person who fits.
4. Don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme
Comment or PM your email to get the questions, but then you have to do it. :) Nobody be paranoid; these are good things! Or at the very least, meant fondly.

01. villainny
02. al52182 (and, okay, treellamas, cause we're like, married and stuff)
03. pixiequeen10thk or kallysten
04. kashmir1
05. sam_gamgee (Shore Leave in-joke! ♥)
06. eviinsanemonkey, berlinghoff79 (whoops, forgot you're not Flash on LJ! *facepalm*)
07. stillane, hebrew_hernia
08. vaginasaurus, grammarwoman, vida_boheme
09. maching_monkey (Leah, who has moved off of LJ) and vida_boheme (this doesn't count the people who I've (or nearly) done this with already... /cryptic)
10. daughteroffaith
11. frank (I don't know how to answer this)
12. unamaga, sardonicsmiley, and kimmers84 (*toes floor*)
13. sheafrotherdon
14. ladycat777
15. I really want to put bitter_crimson here just to break the space-time continuum! quiglin
16. cetacea, peradua
17. velocitygrass (btw, this one was HARD, and I mean it in the terms of enthusiasm...)
18. kashmir1
19. anndee123
20. bitter_crimson, wieimmer, experiment666
21. cacophonesque
22. carynrobin
23. grammarwoman :P
24. lilbreck or velvetwhip (LOL)
25. unamaga
26. vaginasaurus *hides*
27. delicatetruth
28. thisissisirus
29. bob_wonderllama and [lj user=mysecretljcrushomg]
30. This was really hard you guys! I left people off that I wanted to puttttt!

fangirling:friends list, misc:meme

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