Title: Acceleration (or the Ninth Time's the Charm)
Summary: The first time Rodney feels something hit the back of his neck, he shivers.
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Word Count: 1,500
Porn Battle, and we all know I can't keep it to 4,300 characters! So, yeah, this is the more fun expanded version. Prompt: 'Obvious
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I LOVE that line! I sort of had to sit there and shiver a bit picturing it, myself. It's the awkward position payoff, in my opinion.
John especially lately has been a lot more serious/dark, so it was fun to write him as his goofy self in some random season three setting!
I could hear Rodney saying that. THAT'S how good your ear for his dialogue is. *LOVES*
\o/ Thank you! I was kind of lost as to the bit between the end of the porny segment (which was like, 10 characters shy of the comment limit as it was! blearg) and the last lines, which I'd written out before anything else! I'm really glad this worked for you :) I worried a bit that John was a little too quiet here, but he really did speak in other ways, didn't he...
I really, REALLY wanted to include the special relativity equation of acceleration (starting point, ending point, time elapsed, etc) somewhere in this, because it *really* fit this, but I'm not enough of a math person to make it realistic!
Thanks so much for your feedback, love! I really appreciate it <3
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