SGA Fic: Equal and Opposite Reaction (1/1) John/Rodney, PG-13

Jun 17, 2008 21:23

Title: Equal and Opposite Reaction
Summary: During the rare moments when Rodney isn’t lying to himself about it, he admits he’s in love with John.
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3,300 (I KNOW. OMG.)
Spoilers: none
Notes: So, last night at 2 AM I told myself I needed a quick break from my sgabigbang story, so I opened up a text file and told myself I'd write a quick mcsmooch. Yeah, that went well. Thanks to unamaga for looking it over for me and giving wonderful and necessary suggestions! This is dedicated to equusentric. ♥
Additional Notes: I TOTALLY forgot to mention the AMTDI aspect of this... hee.

Equal and Opposite Reaction over at the community.

ETA: I just realized I've posted six stories in June with a combined total of nearly 20,000 words. All of which ON TOP OF Big Bang. And it's the freaking seventeenth of the month. I am seriously Missing the Point, muse-wise, here. *headdesk*

fanfiction: sga: john sheppard, fanfiction: sga: john/rodney, fanfiction: sga: rodney mckay, fandom:sga, fanfiction: sga: rated pg-13

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