Jul 19, 2009 21:50
Sleeping positions:
Darian loves to sleep curled up, on his side. He may stick on leg out, like a cat in a basket, but other than that, he doesn't have a habit of sleeping stretched out. He also has a tendency to sleep with his back to a wall, and will pad every single side of himself with pillows (back, front, between the legs), because he has spent too many years deprived of touch, and so he needs something there, even if it's just an idea of a body near him. The guy also puts out heat like a furnace when he sleeps. When he sleeps with Severus, he has a tendency to uncurl a little, and snuggle back, so that Severus sleeps wrapped around him.
When Severus sleeps alone, he starfishes, splaying out all over the bed and taking up way to much of the available space. If you're not a person with whom he will cuddle, he is a bad bed partner. Severus also tendes to put out a lot of heat, which Darian enjoys, because Dar gets cold easily. As a rule, Sev on ever needs one pillow, and it has to be pretty flat, because he doesn't like the crick his neck gets if it's a big downy pillow. When Severus sleeps with Darian, he sleeps with his back to the wall, and Darian in his arms, because he doesn't like the feeling that someone could sneak up behind him. Both men sleep with a knife on the stand and a knife hidden in the headboard. They used to sleep with knives under the pillow, but after one unfortunate involving a friend coming too early and a throwing knife, they both decided that having a knife in hand at all times was not conducive to living friends. (The guy was fine, he just has a scar on his ear from the edge, Severus's aim is thankfully off at three in the morning when he is woken from sound sleep).
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