Apr 27, 2007 07:52
I'll get right to the point, there are THREE things in this world, that can PISS me off beyond any measure of understanding. In no particular order:
#1: Questioning my manhood, my mental or physical toughness in any degree, especially as a girl. Let's face it, I have been through ALOT of shit. Now I am not necessarily talking about bad things, but I have been through ALOT of stuff that few people have yet to or will ever see in their lives that has defined me as a man and my toughness at length, and helped me grow in ways few people will ever understand. I am very proud of all of that. Now I am not saying I am better than anyone. But at the point at which some ingorant naive asshole or bitch comes along and says anything to tarnish that without knowing what they are really talking about; oh geez, You do not want to be around me. You could perhapse say this to any guy, guys are very proud of their manlihood and toughness, just like girls are proud of their feminicity (I think that's a word.) there are certain things you don't attack about a person even as a joke, THATS ONE OF THEM.
#2: Demeaning this instution (USAFA,) as an outsider who has no clue what its like to go here. Let's face it, this place is arguably one of the toughest and most prestigious schools to make it through, let alone get into. The kind of stuff we go throgh here (depending on a person,) puts more in you than anyone will ever understand. Why? so we can go serve our countries and be asked to die for it. We give up parties, friends, even happiness to a degree for the sake of others. We go through more hell than 99% of the people would understand. But relating to #1, its all positive, most of the time. It's stuff that helps you grow. We get cynical, we arent perfect... but some of us take alot of pride in going here, I am one of them. So when some outsider who has no clue what its like to be a cadet, demeans this place, says something along the lines of "oh you have it easy here, you dont pay for school, easy..something like that," watch out because I will let you have it. I am not saying cadets are better than normal college students, I am not saying everyone should kneel at the site of us.. no no no! But ..this is not your "normal college," we are not "normal college students," we are cadets, and we are tough, and we are smart. And all I ask is that some stupid naive ignorant student, perhapse even someone from another country, give us some basic respect and not go places where they shouldnt, and not judge this place unless they have spent ONE day in Basic or 4* year and know what its really like. (PS. cynical cadets who constantly bash this place piss me off too...but that's a little different, I can tolerate that to an extent.)
#3: Demeaning or insulting this Country, as an insider or as an outsider
This one doesnt piss me off as number 1 and 2, but it will still make me very angry. We have it GREAT in this country. We have the highest standard of living, and something greater than most people could dream of. there are 2 year old boys in Uganda who have seen their parents scorched to death and forced to eat of the ground, little girls in India who sleep in sandpits and have to beg for every meal. Poverty exists in this country,but lets face it..we have it PRETTY DAMN GOOD. SO how about certain individuals in this country STOP THEIR BITCHING and realize how good we have it. Be thankful for what you have. As for foreigners, I think it is safe to say I don't appreciate constant negative connotations against this country or our government. This is America..and in the words of team America "FUCK YA"
But with all seriousness, that being said, I love friendly debate. I have many many friends who are on the complete opposite political spectrum as I who I could sit down with a cup of coffee for hours and talk politics, without getting mad. Likewise, I am totaly for finding the weakeness of our country in a tactful way and finding an intelligent means to improve our country. And I will gladly debate with any intelligent Canadian, Frenchmen, Italian, turkian or anyone who can respectfully sort out our differences and talk about world affairs in a tactful manner. **INFACT thats what I LOVE TO DO, its my passion... BUt I will not put up with this liberal hippie horseshit, specifically from Candians who would be nowhere without this great country. I am very patriotic, very headstrong about this country, it has given me a life that very few places could do. I am very thankful, and take high insult to people who in an ignorant and naive manner go about bashing it and take it as a joke.
So there we go, I can take a joke, I can joke around, all is good and fun. However, when people joke above the other 3 or go about proceeding with anything along those lines.. I WILL NOT be responsible for the words of refute that come out of my mouth. I believe everyone has those little things that will send them over the edge. These are it for me. ALL I ask for, is mutual respect. I respect everyone no matter who they are from the get-go. The moment you tarnish that mutual respect, I am no longer accountable for what I say back to you, and it will not be pretty.