Dec 30, 2008 10:04
Let me start by saying, we had a wonderful CHRISTmas and saw all family and journeyed much and were merry and content. I hope the same is true for all of you and I wish you a wonderful new year.
Now, that said... I must confess that I have been slack the past two years and have not done my normal reading of that most beloved work by Master Tolkien. So I decided after Thanksgiving that I would again set out on a journey from the Shire to the very heart of Mount Doom as has been my habit for many years. So it is now completing the journey last week that I am reminded again how bitter the pill was to swallow. Years past the release of those beautiful movies that PJ did forge in his own dark lair I am still begging an answer to one crucial question...
Why, oh why did you slander my dear Captain of Gondor, Prince of Ithilien, Faramir... Steward to the King?!?! In all the story I would argue that Faramir is the lone character (save perhaps Sam) who never waivers in his calling or conviction. He is stern but fair, far sighted, just, kind and compassionate. He never intends any evil when he encounters Frodo and Sam on their journey. In his compassion and wisdom he even spares the wretched life of Smeagol and calls upon his men to treat the creature gently. PJ's Faramir (dubbed by some as Filmamir) is callous, bitter, insecure, self seeking and very much in most other ways like his brother Boromir. Tolkien's Faramir saw the flaws in his brother yet loved him dearly. But Faramir stood out from the shadow of his father's favorite son and was as unlike him as the moon from the sun (yes I intended the reference). Faramir desired the love and approval of his father and was willing to lay down his life to gain it... but that desire never sullied his character. This held fast. The Ring never had a pull on Faramir because he chose not to allow it to. Not like Bombadil who was truly unaffected... Faramir's strenghth of will and character "overcame" the pull of the Ring. He was noble. He was lordly. He was true. And he was done a great injustice in the films for the sake of "dramatic effect".
Sigh. Alas there is now no use to argue... but the pain, anger and confusion all seem still so fresh!
Oh, and by the way, we are having a GIRL! Our new little Princess Darry will arrive at the end of April! :)