Projects and a terrible blockbuster

May 10, 2007 23:59

Still lots going on with miawithoutoil. two new posts today, including This picture blog which I'm really happy with. It was fun to snap a load of pictures over the course of the day and then misinterpret them in order to tell the story of a world falling to pieces...

It's a seriously amazing project that I'm very happy to be involved with (and flying up the charts of most influential poster, up into the top 30). I'm also hoping I might be able to use some of the material at a later date, in a novel form. It'll be very different, of course (I want my oil peak to happen ten years or so ahead of now), but it's a great way to explore some ideas.

I also finished the edit of 'The Shogun and The Scientist' for Aberrant Dreams' anthology. I like the new cut, and the changes the editor suggested really make it work better. I've been impressed by their interactivity - they have made both the stories I've done with them better. I'm hoping this will end up as publication no. 2.

work's also continuing on the new Screentest website. Screentest is the National Student film festival held by my university and I'm a co-coordinator for next year's event. It's another great project, even if it does mean more work (although a lot of it is just hanging with cool people like Jamie and Josh and Alex).

Still, exams are looming over the next three weeks and it's going to be a squeeze to do all my revision and write for World Without Oil every day. I'm going to try because I feel passionate about both. We'll see how it pans out. come may 31st I'll be free and beaming.

I went to see Spiderman 3 yesterday. My god, that film sucked so hard! I couldn't believe just how bad they'd screwed up the franchise, especially with how much money was spent on it. Too long, too one-dimensional, too many bad guys, that horrible section in the middle where Tobey Maguire turns into Emoboy and starts disco dancing in the street (seriously)... god, it was awful. Only Bruce Campbell's cameo and Bryce Dallas Howard as Gwen Stacey added any kind of saving grace. Kirsten Dunst had no personality or chemistry with anyone, and every emotion was blurted out so loudly and gauchely that it drowned the whole thing. It was emotionally incontinent. The price they paid for it could have bought a small country, for god's sake!

sigh. The sad thing is it'll be successful enough to make that back. the humanity of it all...

possible sale, world without oil, mia, edits, shogun story, miawithoutoil, writing

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