Feb 19, 2007 15:06
I'm in the film editing suite in the Student Union, making a DVD with the nominations for the Screentest film festival documentary category.
Me and my friend Josh pretty much are in charge of what film makes it at this festival, which is open to all British students. We watch the entries, decide which are nominated, which are shown and which aren't. There are other people higher up on the chain but they're stuck doing boring admin, whereas me and Josh just watch short films.
Except that now we've watched all the films, it's mind-numbingly boring creating the DVDs to be sent out for voting. It takes like half an hour to convert each file into the right format, an hour to burn a disc... and we have 8 nominee categories to do, plus in a week we'll have to do the longer festival dvds for what gets shown...
It's a pretty kickass society to be involved with and I'm glad we're doing it. Once the festival arrives and we've done all of the DVDs for it it'll be pretty damn satisfying but right now I just want to get it done faster!
I've been writing a fair bit, up past 85k last night. Not writing as fast or as often as over the summer so the count goes up slower but at least i'm picking away at it.
My birthday in a couple of weeks - I'm getting a massive LCD computer monitor, 22" Widescreen, the kind a lot of graphic designers use. It's able to display two documents side-by-side, perfect for a lot of the multitasking work I do. Plus it'll look pretty for games and movies!
Got a ridiculously complicated computing project due in tomorrow that everyone's struggling to complete. Still, it does feel good to be productive - although this film stuff is hard work it means I'm out of the house doing stuff so I make the most of my time. Really trying to do a lot of writing, too. Love to get that novel finished so I can go onto other projects. I'm feeling ready to go back to my original novel i started years ago - the space opera. I feel ready for that now and almost as if it'll be easier to write - although i love this current novel, it's harder to make each page interesting as it's (mostly) set in the real world meaning I can't just do a nice little bit of world-building to keep things moving. However as interested I am in going back to Faith (the space opera) or a short story I'm forcing myself to keep going with Iridescence and Light - the biggest achievement in my writing life so far would be to finish a novel and I don't want to leave it hanging.
Thinking about PHD as an option for when I finish my four year course next year.
and done!