May 20, 2006 03:35
OK, kytt, you tagged me, so here we go. Its 3:30am after a good night, so I have little to lose by being honest here. And kytt, in my typical fashion, I will give clues and hints, but not answers. Those can be discovered over beers and ciders and darts one night. But I'm only tagging two, not six. Hey, the list is getting short these days. So, braam515 and frost42, consider yourselves tagged. The rules are simple. I'm posting six things you probably don't know about me. Now you each need to tag six people and post six things about yourself that either they or I probably don't know about you.
1. I scare easily, and often. I probably spend more of my life in fear than in comfort. I often wake up in the middle of bad nightmares of a life I thought long gone and things I still fear.
2. There are more things in my life I regret than accomplishments I'm proud of.
3. My cheery, positive attitude nicely covers a very pessimistic fatalistic attitude.
4. One of the things I miss most in life is my temper. I used to have a very impatient, hair trigger, violent temper. And at times it served me well. And in divesting myself of that temper, I gave up a lot more than just a bad attitude. And I regret that I can't get back some of what I gave up.
5. There are two things that to this day no matter how often I see them make me cry. One is a battle, the other an angel.
6. In a lighter note, it took me years to learn to cook anything edible. In the beginning, I wouldn't even eat it, let alone anyone else. God, I remember some of those early attempts, and its a good thing I had a few select people who were honest with me, or I would probably still be making some of those dishes.