Aug 23, 2006 13:15
got bit in the face today by a Dalmation. god i hate those dogs. mr. and mrs. B were there too.they tried to blame everything that was wrong with the store on us three girls that were there. and then mr. B tried to tell the girls that since he found something that was stolen that someone owed his son money. and i flat out told him.. you cant charge people that work here the amount that something was stolen! thats illeagal. i swear he thinks that since they are a small business they can do whatever they want to the employees. i beg to differ. i've already told him that he cant take the amount off of people checks if the register was short. but he thinks he can. and they also claim and if someone is working over 6 hours and is over 18 they dont have give them a break.. i dont even ask. i just take my half hour. i looked into it and thats true they dont have to take a half an hour break but by law they have to at least offer for the people to take it.
so that was my three hours of working.....
i think i'm going to have a bruse (sp).
got a nice gash too..