Jul 29, 2007 07:24
I belive in gods. I belive everyone has a personal god who's job is to watch out for them. I belive leeks add alot of flavor to food if served correctly. I belive that little box's are the best way to serve anything from most of asia. I belive in huge impersonal gods who created everything and then fucked off to mess around and forgot we where there. I belive in a goddless world. I belive men make gods because there's a hole where something should be. I belive most men are really just kids who don't have the decency to behave like it. I belive that whats traditionally considered 'woman' is always more attractive then 'male'. I belive in aliens, the good kind and the kind that fucks over cows just for kicks. I belive they don't care one lick about us more then we do them. I belive in causality. I belive one of the hardest things to do is remove yourself from someones life so you can't be there to mess it up. I belive in love, more then just about anything in this list, and recogize I'll never have it again. I belive 2d action rpgs are a great waste of time. I belive I'll never finish my book or ever let a living soul so much as read a word of it. I belive my poems are best left where they are, with my art...hidden. I belive Music is the one truth. I belive that country music sucks, not to artistic but I do. I belive candy really did taste better 10 years ago. I belive pepsi is better then coke. I belive a hamburger is one of the best things to eat in america even if you don't like them. I belive Who Framed Roger Rabbit should be in the top 100 films of all time. I belive every religion but scientology. I belive that no one will ever notice me gone one day, and thats comforting because it means I don't have to worry. I belive I really don't like most people but I do try to give them a chance. I belive that stereotypes exist for a reason. I belive in beachs, just in general. I belive that tree's have memory. I belive that some animals are far more intelligent then we give credit. I belive sex probally was better 30 years ago then it is today. I belive hollywood is just america's royalty. I belive the aurora toolset was designed to make my eyes hurt. I belive in every writers vision of potraying their story if their really a writer. I belive most so called writers aren't. I belive in roadside attractions. I belive in america, and that takes work and alot of pretending not to hear things. I belive I'm probally a bit of an ass most of the time too for that matter. I belive a childs smile is worth more then most anything anyone could ever say. I belive that a room really is nicer with the lights off. I belive sunrises are there to make you fucking tired. I belive that there's a padigram shift that causes the joy of hollidays to be shifted generally from the old to young because there's only so much happiness to be had. I belive rock opera's are almost as good as regular opera's. I belive most people don't read enough fiction. I belive most people don't read enough fact. I belive the future is going to suck, or its not. Regardless I belive its going to happen and I'll see what I can. I belive I'm never really going to do what I was meant to do or what I want to do. I belive neither of the prior are probally related in anyway. I belive that tie's make you look like a tit. I belive people think I do my job because I couldn't get anything else. I belive they don't realize how much I'm paid for wasting time and am more worried about feeding and clothing the family. I belive I should be harder then I am. I belive in families, their far stronger then anyone usually realizes. I belive furries probally aren't as bad as I usually say they are but I don't want to be seen as soft or a sympathizer. I belive most people don't read this. I belive in level select codes. I belive in muses. I belive that inspiration can flit into ones mind then scuttle away, and nothing makes it come back for what it was inspiring if it chooses not to. I belive in wishing on a star, even if it doesn't matter. I belive wasted and killed time are sins. I belive most people just need more work ethic. I belive that customers are always fucking stupid so endevor to shop as little as possible. I belive I need to work on my wardrobe but can't be motivated to bother. I belive I'm not often motivated. I belive I'll finish college when I get around to finding the money. I belive in never taking a hand out and working for all you have. I belive in vengence. I belive in lust and greed, those are easy. I belive in charity and kindness, those you have to try for. I belive the mind is complicated, I belive I'm tired. I belive in belief.
I belive I want a pony.