3 easy things you can do to help the ReMixed launch kick it

Jan 09, 2010 03:59

Hi folks:

As most of your know, we're about to launch ReMixed Magazine (www.remixedmag.com), a new pub which will shine the spotlight on brilliant artists who aren't getting enough attention.

Can you help us get rolling during the first issue in style? We'd be very grateful if you could:

a) Sign up for mailings from us; the sign up box is on the http://www.remixedmag.com front page

Not only do we want your names because we love you (grin), it will help us bullet-proof the e-mail system. We promise not to capsize your inbox or you can make us walk the plank.

b) Join our Facebook fan page

OR maybe you could follow us on Twitter too at @remixedmag, why not?

c) Visit the site and start flaming, complimenting, ranting or what have you on the artist discussion areas at the bottom of the page.

c.1) Oh, and tell us what other obscure, underappreciated artists you'd like to see us cover?

Thanks, boys and girls, ladies and germs, you're a beautiful audience...! We'll keep you posted.


Anne and Darren

remixed magazine, futurama

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