yay! i finished my first year of university. had my philsophy exam today. i spent the last few days holed up because i was 'studying', but really i didn't do anything until like midnight last night. i'm gonna pass though, which is all i was after. i'm a bit scared that if i decide i want to transfer they won't let me cause my marks have been shit, but that's not looking likely at the moment. i mean, what am i gonna transfer to? commerce? i'm considering doing a diploma of education when i'm done with reading books for my arts degree. but maybe not.
first things first. i'm probably gonna get out of here on sunday, heading beachward. not that i surf, or dive, or swim, or anything. i'm just looking forwards to 'getting away from it all' for a while. living by yourself is the best way to forget about all the bad stuff that's going on. i mean, i won't have to hear the news all the time. unless i decide to turn on the tv. which i won't, because i can't stand it. i honestly can't watch commercial television for more than like five minutes before i go crazy. the only exception is letterman, but that doesn't come on till like 1am. the ads just shit me to much. which is why i'm on my computer a lot. because i don't have to see ads unless i want to. so now you know.
been stockpiling playstation games for my beach adventure.
tekken 3
resident evil: nemesis
n2o: nitrous oxide
silent hill
castlevania: symphony of the night
ape escape
tenchu: stealth assassins
metal gear solid
and i'm sure there'll be more before the week is out. i find games more entertaining on consoles. but that's just me. i'm waiting for a package from america to get it. its contents include the strung out album and the bars album. mm. this entry is pure crap.
i guess the moral of the story is that i've finished uni and i'm looking for fun. before i escape for two months. that is all.
over and out.