more interviews

Jul 09, 2008 22:45

So I know my LiveJournal hasn't been up to writing standards for a while. Most of my entries are frenetic, disconnected, and ramble from topic to topic. That last sentence, for example included an error in parallelism. Journal entries can be adjectives (i.e. frenetic, disconnected) but if I am going to list adjectives in a list, I shouldn't add "and ramble from topic to topic." Because that last part is a Verb Clause, I believe.

Anyway, entries are random as well as confusingly written. But that is going to change because I keep plugging along, working and going to interviews, and trying to get my life on track.

I'm workin' hard here to do the right thing, and I know life is going to shape up. It's just gonna.


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