Time to Say Goodbye...

Sep 09, 2010 21:10

After about 6 years, it's time to say goodbye to Livejournal. Celebrate Life! has moved to a new site - celebratelah.wordpress.com. It is now called Celebrate Life Lah!

It was not an easy decision to move and a lot of time was spent on migrating the blog, but as my blogging requirements have changed, I needed a blog service that provides me with more tools and flexibility in creating contents.

I've enjoyed the community aspect that Livejournal provides, a function I love to exploit because it broadcasts my entries on all the friends' pages linked to me. In a way, that 'forces' people to read my blog no matter how boring or long it is. That reign of terror shall now end! This will be my last post on Livejournal. I hope you will continue to support and follow my entries at the new site.

So what can be expected at Celebrate Life!'s new home? What are the special features there?

SPICE OF LIFE - The 'SPICE OF LIFE' page found on the new site's menu bar lists Competitions & Contests in Singapore which you can take part. It includes descriptions, registration ending dates, prizes and links to contests that spices up our daily life! Do check the page frequently for additions of new competitions to join. It also lists events, concerts, trips, etc coming up for me and perhaps our paths may cross.

FEATURED ALBUMS - Throughout the years, you've given me very good feedbacks and encouragements on my passion in photography. Thank you very much! At the new site, I've created 'Featured Albums' links so that you can easily access the albums that complement a series of posts, or instead of reading, you can just view a photo-story.

CATEGORIES - Entries are now tagged and categorised so that they can be easily accessed and searched. The 'Categories' section can be found on the right column of the blog.

With this change, I hope the blog will also be more pleasing aesthetically and dynamic in updates. It is my wish that the blog can be more than just a place that record my thoughts, but also a place where you can find useful information and interesting things to do in Singapore.

Thank you all so very much for reading all these years, leaving me comments, suggestions and openning up my world through your blog posts. May our sharing continue... See you over at Celebrate Life Lah!
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