(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 15:20

Just some quick announcements:
  • This weekend's conzilla Staff meeting (see conzilla.info for details) is Saturday at 11am at the Polar Den.
  • The San Diego Fandom Gathering is Saturday, October 22 starting at 4pm, also at the Polar Den.
  • The Fourth Conjecture wrap-up meeting for staff and volunteers is on October 23 at 1pm at the Red Lion Hanalei Hotel.

    I had a great time at Conjecture... but yesterday's sniffles have turned into full-blown cold with muscle-aches and everything, and I can't afford to miss work (or rather, Work can't afford to be without me) so I'm doped up on Sudafed and Ibuprofen now.

    (Hmmm... I need a "feeling ill" icon.)
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