Citizens First.

Jun 26, 2009 11:08

Fry the Delta smelt and send San Diego county and the inland agricultural valley their much-needed water.

Why the hell should we care about a fish? So what if it *does* go extinct? Nature has proven that another animal will simply fill its niche in life. NO BIG F*ING DEAL!

But no... because the lowering water levels at some river deltas *might* endanger the future survival of the "Delta Smelt", California's agricultural industry (which supplies more than 10% of this nation's food) which is already struggling financially in a nearly bankrupt state (that if it were a nation would be the 8th largest economy in the world), will fall on even harder times this summer.

San Diego lies on the southrnmost end of the supply for water that is plentifully provided from northern California. Our supply was cut drastically this year, with the plight of the Delta Smelt cited as the sole reason.

Because of this, the City of San Diego recently implemented mandatory water rationing, with severe fines for violators who water their lawn on the wrong day of the week or for too long. Thankfully, I live in a moderately sane city in SD County, (Lemon Grove), so I can keep my lawn and hedges from turning to dirt without penalty.

How the hell did the needs of a fish come before the needs of people? We are on top of the food chain for a reason!

In other news... there are now TWO commercial entities developing desalinaztion plants in San Diego County, to provide fresh water extracted from the Pacific Ocean and sell it to the region's water districts. Hooray for private enterprise!

Unfortunately, the earliest of these is still 7 or 8 years away from being operational.

san diego, people first, political, water

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