It's Chicago. 'nuff said.

Dec 09, 2008 14:15

I wonder how long before Blagojevich flees the country (or mysteriously disappears, ala Jimmy Hoffa) now that he's out on bail?

The evidence against him is pretty damning. The prosecutor apparently has direct quid-pro-quo from warranted wiretaps that he wanted compensation for assigning Obama's vacated seat, including direct threats to the Pres-Elect that if he didn't give Blagojevich a cabinet position, he'd appoint someone to the Senate who was not friendly to Obama or take it himself.

Obama and his fictional "Office of the President-Elect", to their credit, apparently would not give Blagojevich anything... causing Blagojevich (wow... that name is really hard to type) to rant on several tirades, also caught on wiretaps and being used as evidence against him.

It's hard to make this shit up. Someone will write a made-for-TV movie about this in a couple years, I'm sure of it.
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