Americans' confidence in the presidency is very low: about 25% according to a June 11-14, 2007 Gallup Poll. In fact, just about every republican politician who supported Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy's "Amnesty Bill" have seen a drop in their approval rating recently, including the President, whose approval rating most dramatically shows how he let down even his own party on this issue.
But you know what's even lower?
Confidence in the Pelosi/Reid (democratically) lead Congress.
According to the Institutional Approval Rating poll for June 11-14, 2007, the approval rating for Congress is at an ALL TIME low of only 14%. That's lower than it's ever been for as long as the Gallup organization has been tracking approval ratings of institutions... the absolutely lowest approval rating of the 16 organizations they are tracking.
Hmm... Approval for the military tops their chart at 69%, followed by Small Business (59%) and the Police (54%).