You make me sick Exline, How DARE you rag on our poorer south of the Border brethern. All they want is to come here, breed like rats and deprive us taxpayers of services and SSI and expect freebies. SHAME ON YOU!!!!
Now the ones who get green cards and follow the rules, I have no problem with whatsoever!
(not to be confused with gutter-slime that has gained sentience, since they would be offended by the comparison, and not to be confused with gutter-slime of extraterrestrial origin, as they came a much longer way to be here and don't deserve to be insulted.)
Now the ones who get green cards and follow the rules, I have no problem with whatsoever!
(not to be confused with gutter-slime that has gained sentience, since they would be offended by the comparison, and not to be confused with gutter-slime of extraterrestrial origin, as they came a much longer way to be here and don't deserve to be insulted.)
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