Nov 30, 2006 10:15
Iran's leader writes a 5-page "plea" to the american people to get out of Iraq, stop supporting Israel (although he won't use that word - instead calls them "The Zionist Regime"), and warns the new democratically-controlled congress that the world is watching. All while trying to compare the moral goodness of Christianity with Muslim beliefs. (Sorry... show me a Christian nation that has state-sanctioned genocide before passing that kind of bullshit around.)
This, after receiving no response at all to a 18-page letter he sent to President Bush, that just randomly ranted all over the place about various issues. He couldn't get a rise out of President Bush, so now he appeals to the people of the United States.
This comes at a time when the U.N. (and the U.S. in particular) is paying close attention to Iran's nuclear ambitions. The letter never mentions Iran's nuclear ambitions.
What scares me, though, is that his letter is designed to cater to the liberal, Bush-hating citizens of this country; and even though it's a thinly veiled attempt to distract us from acting against Iran, his letter is probably going to get through to some people.
There are way too many voting citizens of this country who are just too stupid to realize what this letter really is: A psychological warfare first-strike, laying the groundwork for 1) Iran (and Syria) taking control in Iraq, 2) Iran (and Syria and Egypt) attacking Israel, and 3) Iran forcing an ultra-liberal agenda in the United States.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is this generation's Hitler. He has called for the genocidal destruction of Jews and the complete eradication of Israel, claiming that there can never be peace as long as Israel exists. He's defied the United Nations and is attempting to produce nuclear weapons.
He must be stopped.