Prayer Request

Feb 04, 2008 22:33

This was an e-mail I received today.

A is a relative. B is her 16-year-old son. I don't know C. YWAM is "Youth With A Misson".

Below is a prayer request from A.

Prayer request for B

Hi everybody,

B went to Mardi Gras with an evangelism team. They ministered on the street last night, and B said they could really sense God's presence around them, protecting them and drawing people's hearts to Him. He said he was mostly doing intercessory evangelism, praying for whoever God would highlight to him, and then God would send one of the YWAM'ers or somebody from the evangelism team straight to the person he had just prayed for.

For any of you who think I've gone crazy, his original mission was to be a support to the evangelism team. He wasn't supposed to go to the actual Mardi Gras parades and parties, but he felt the Spirit tell him to get on the bus and go with the evangelism team last night. It went really well, and he feels like he's supposed to go again tonight. But he's asking for lots of prayer cover. He knows there's lots of demonic activity going on, but God had them so well-covered that they really didn't feel the demonic presence much. God's presence was much stronger. He knows it was because of people praying for them. He asked me to get even more people praying for them tonight and as it gets closer to Fat Tuesday.

On the trip down there, they were attacked several times. The car B was riding in spun around 360 degrees and landed in the ditch because the roads were slick. They were able to drive out of the ditch and keep going. But then the driver, C, was struck with such heartburn that he was having convulsions. He had to pull over at a gas station where he bought some Tums, which didn't help at all. Then they bought some Pepto Bismol and he took that. Then he started vomiting. B had to sleep in the car at the gas station, cold and wondering if C was going to recover. They had a pretty miserable night, but when C woke up he felt good enough to drive. His stomach was still burning really bad. When they got to New Orleans, C's stomach stopped hurting. As far as I know, he has felt fine ever since.

I didn't want B to be where all the nastiness will be happening, and I'm really praying for protection over his heart and eyes and mind. But this seems to be what the Lord has for him, so please pray with me that he will be preserved from every attack of the enemy, and that he will be preserved blameless. He's never been exposed to anything remotely like what I've heard happens at Mardi Gras. He belongs to the Lord, and I'm just letting God have His way with him, but it's not easy.

So please pray for B and the ministry teams that are there at Mardi Gras and for God to come in power as they make themselves available for Him to work through and that He will change the lives of lost and searching people who so desperately need a Savior.

Thank you,


I have several thoughts:
  1. I kinda wish my mom had been dumb enough to let me run off to Mardi Gras on an "evangelism trip" when I was 16.
  2. I was in New Orleans about 10 months ago. There were still a number of towns east of the city and neighborhoods in the city that still needed massive cleaning up. And I'm kinda pissed off that B down there with all those people who need genuine help, and all he's doing is harrassing all the nice paying tourists. (Assuming he's not totally scamming his mother, of course.)
  3. Not that anything really horrible actually goes on there. Lots of binge drinking (and let's not forget that Jesus turned the water in to wine and later offered up wine as symbol of the blood he would shed for us) and a bit of WOOHOO action - not exactly Dante's Inferno, but not something a 16-year-old needs to be exposed to either.
  4. What if the trip in to the ditch and the convulsions were God's way of saying "I'd rather you didn't."?
  5. I've suffered from nasty heartburn all my life. Never once has it caused me to go into convusions.
  6. My prayers right now are that A comes to her senses and doesn't let any of her other eight children do the same thing and that B doesn't end up being the subject of a Lifetime Movie involving the line "And that's when he touched me down there."

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