Jul 20, 2007 22:08
I'm in an interesting situation. I'm sat in the middle of a bookstore, two hours before the U.S. release of the final Harry Potter novel.
I don't think these people realize that it's already been on sale in Australia for about 15 hours and in the UK for 4 hours. Having not read a single word any of the novels, I have no problem getting on the Interwebular Network and checking for spoilers from The Foreigns. Which is exactly what I've just done.
As you might have guessed from the subject line, the prediction I've been making since Book 3 first came out was right. Considering that most of the people around me are total dickheads, (and yes, that counts you Miss Reading Over My Shoulder Right Now, So Stop Before I Tell You. Thank You.) I want to scream out right now what happens.
I won't.
Unless I see another grown adult wearing a table cloth. I mean, seriously, you have a job so you can afford a real costume. Or you need to stop wearing table cloths and get a job.
(BTW: before you ask, I'm not here to buy the book. My friend works here, and we're supposed to go out tonight after his shift is over.)