Jun 24, 2003 22:46
Well! Honestly, girls, I don't know how I am ever going to slip back into everyday life, after last term! Won't it be frightful, having nothing but maths. to look forward to? Alicia, it's going to be awful having to pig it alongside dearest Gwendoline Mary, preparing for School Cert. again. Just think, all that prep. from Upper Fourth gone to waste. You couldn't have chosen a worse time, could you? Although I suppose you can just do it on your head any time you fancy it.
Sally, I've missed you terribly - I do wish we could spend every hols. together, but Mother likes to have me all to herself, sometimes. It doesn't stop me missing you, but it certainly makes seeing you again that little bit sweeter!
Anyway, I'm glad to be back, glad to be with you all, glad to be in our old dormy, I'm even a little bit glad to see Miss James again. And I'm simply dying for some decent lacrosse. Felicity's good, but she's not quite up to standard at the moment, Daddy's given her a ticking off about her ankle. You know, he says it's all very well and good for her to walk on it, but playing an entire half lacrosse match! She may seriously hurt herself one day, but I have a feeling she is going to forget everything Daddy's said, once the match team practises begin!
Irene, I think Felicity and I spent most of the journey down here giggling over what would happen with your health certificate this term! I do wish you would do something spectacular with Matron. Sometimes I need a little reminding that I am not as old and worldly as the Fifth Form makes me feel. Girls, let's put our heads together and work out some little trick to play. Nothing too dreadful, though! I don't think Miss James would look very highly on that sort of thing now, even if we are meant to be relaxing a bit this term. Let's think, anyway!
Also, I think this idea of Miss James, that we all keep journals, and share them around with each other is wonderful. Not just because it will help with our composition skills, and 'get our hands in', as Miss James says, but it is a good way for us all to keep in touch throughout the day. Everything is so busy now, with lacrosse, junior girls coaching, music lessons, horses, music, art, and everything else we are always rushing off to! I have decided I will leave my journal in the common room during the day, and write in it there. I hope you will all write some things back to me - it's almost like having our own continuous letters, isn't it? That way, we can keep up with everyone and everything!