Aug 09, 2005 09:20
The goths don't appreciate my red shoes.
Several years ago my friends and I had an awesome roadtrip to Boston. We were going to this club for a Gary Neuman CD release party (yes I know, random... fun none-the-less). I love a roadtrip more then most, but it seems that every trip I make to eastern Mass has some sort of issue.
In summary -
Autumn 2000 - Red Chuck Taylor incident
Summer 2001 - The Locust/Arab on Radar sold out (hanging out with an annoying girl for a huge road trip)
Summer 2003 - Pulled over 3 times during a trip never to receive a ticket
Summer 2005 - running out of gas on the thruway on the way back from a show
Dear Red Converse Chucks,
I still love you no matter what.
Jamie Hangover
That being typed and affirmed by me I will explain the Chuck Taylor incident....
The CD release is held at random Cambridge goth club with expensive drinks #1. We arrive at the venue, park in a parking garage down the block, and walk up to the forming line. As I get to the front door, security tells me that my shoes are not acceptable attire to hang out in their establishment. He added that if I had worn my black Chucks that I would have been fine, the goths are very strict when it comes to fashion in Boston apparently. That is fine, me being the resourceful person that I am I leave the venue with my roomate Matt, and our friend Jason (my friend Barb stayed to find her guy friend that she was then hanging out with). We start wandering the beautiful streets of Cambridge, Mass, and I decide that I am going to find something useful in a 7-11. I am correct! Oh look, black liquid shoepolish! I purchase the shoe polish, and proceed to give my red sneakers a healthy application of the product while sitting on a curbside parkbench.
I am frantically applying the product, and realizing my emotions caught between a state of amusement and contempt for all things goff, when an older gentleman walks up to me asks to use the shoe polish and applies it to the tip of his shoe remarking "I have needed to do that for weeks now!" Awesome, I am glad I could help the polishless residents of the great state of Massachusetts.
So me, my two friends and my freshly blackened shoes return to the venue. The security guy immediately looks at my feet and comments that my sneakers are now goth-friendly. Thanks bud! I proceed into the venue where I begin to ingest large amounts of alcohol and leave black markings across the dance floor.
A sad day... wrecked my Chucks. Oh well... I got drunk, hung out with good friends, all in all a worthy road trip. When I finally got myself and my blackened sneakers home I decided that I would spray paint them silver, that was fun too. Good times.
responses by those that were there that night:
Dude, I bust a gut every time I have an opportunity to tell that story. Even better, was the fact that the gentleman who requested a quick polish to his shoes was wearing a full suit, and carrying a briefcase around at midnight on a Friday night? WTF?!
Gas, tolls, and munchies for 3 hr roadtrip to Boston to go to pretentious goth club: $35
Cover charge and drinks at pretentious goth club: $100
Bottle of black scuff-magic shoe polish with sponge applicator tip: $3.75
Painting your favorite red chucks black to appease pretentious goth sensibilities: PRICELESS!
And while we're talking about fun roadtrips, how about the one to Burlington where you challenged Amy to do a "Fight Club" on you, and she decked you in the ear?!
Ahhh... good times. There's nothing like a road trip with Jamie.
Posted by Random
My response:
Man that was a fucked up night... I was riddiculous! I remember being so drunk that I couldn't drive home and Jason had to take over.. we stopped at burgerking.. or mcdonalds... whatever it was it was the best food ever ( to me at the time) and how embarrassed I was the next day to remember taking off my latex panties in the front seat because I was so darn uncomfy. That night was odd.. but I don't remember too much because i got so wasted so fast.
RIP red chucks. fucking goth people suck. errr. Im not goth.. just FYI. heh.
Posted by Estrella
However much I miss roadtrippiun to Boston.. Im hella glad I live in LA now. I do miss da boyz crazy bunches.