Here or There? There or Here?

May 28, 2009 17:28

Been doing much debating about where we go after we get things taken care of in Odessa. After we first moved out here, we decided we wanted out pretty quick, so we decided to hell with it and move to California. Well, the economy started taking a nosedive and I changed jobs, so we decided to stick it out here for a few more years. Maybe at least til one of us gets through school. So, 5-6 more years, maybe. Then the question arises : Where? Been making some runs to La Grange lately, which takes me through Austin, and has also rekindled my desire to be back in that city. Lots of things I miss about it, to name a few : Alamo Drafthouse, Hippie Hollow, Katz's. And of course, the basic familiarity of the area. But I have also had the desire to move back to California, back to Amador. Even though it's been 19 years since I last lived there, I miss it so. And I know it's changed. It had changed a lot when I was last there in 2002. But the basics hadn't. But I can't help to wonder if it's just childhood memories pulling at me, much like comfort food. Comfort food is great, but it's not necessarily the best stuff for you.

We know we don't want to stay here forever.

It was -IS- just a temporary stop. Better well damn be, actually. I really despise this area, this town.

I don't have a desire to move somewhere "new". Neither does April. Which is part of the problem, of course. California would be new to her, while Austin is familiar to both of us. But she said she liked Amador when we last visited. But visiting and living are two different things. I do prefer the small-town atmosphere, she the larger city. I keep trying to tell her, "But there is a Wal-Mart in Martell."

She's not opposed to it, really, just unsure. But we do have a few years to figure it out.

The part of me that doesn't want to move back to Austin is that small-town part of me. Austin is just too big. It was a quiet, laid-back town when I moved there in 1992, but 17 years has changed it into a shiny metropolis (or so it seems to me). I kept trying to imagine what Ben White looked like before the freeway went in and it's hard. Of course, as I said before, I know things have changed in Amador. I heard Mel & Faye's moved. I think I heard that they're actually putting a bypass around Sutter Creek (Why's it got to be built? It's a bypass. Gotta build bypasses).

So, I dunno. Much contemplation to be done.
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