Jun 22, 2008 08:46
....the shit hits the fan.
So after living out here in Odessa for a year and a half, one of our goals were finally realized : We're caught up. All bills, all payments. All the things we need to be paying on were finally squared away. So we were going to use the next year or so to save up some money and to try to clean up our credit. The place we live in is cheap and I'm making some decent money. so we figured it would be pretty easy if we stick to our guns. Then we could move back down south and be all good.
And then, of course, the Universe decides to throw a curve ball.
We got a letter from our landlord on Friday telling us that his aunt, who is half owner of the house (along with his mother) have decided to sell the house and we need to be out by August 1st.
We have four options. From most desirable to least, they are :
1) Move to the Schertz/Cibolo/Marion area and transfer from the Odessa terminal to the New Braunfels terminal. Positives : We wanted to move down to that area next year anyway. The cost of housing is fairly inexpensive compared to the Austin/San Marcos area (we're finding 4 bedroom houses in nice areas for under $1000). The negatives : Coming up with about $4000 for moving and move-in expenses. And the New Braunfels terminal is a bit on the slow side right now, which translates into less money.
2) Staying in Odessa. The positives : Rent is cheap out here and it would allow us to do what we intended to do, just might take a bit longer as we'll have to come up with about $1500 for moving expenses. The negatives : The chance of finding another house for rent in Odessa is slim. The housing market out here is very strong, so most people are selling rather than renting, so we'd more than likely need to get an apartment, which would mean likely having to get rid of some or all the animals. And we really have to decided if we want to move two more times instead of just one, like we originally intended.
3) Move to California. The positives : Rent free for a few months. The negatives : No guarantee of finding a job quickly, and if I do, it will more than likely be a bit of a drive from where we'll be living. High cost of living in general.
4) Moving to the Northeast area of Austin/Taylor. The positives : A guaranteed job, making about what I'm making now. More than likely cheaper rents than Austin. The negatives : It's not where we really want to be. Not fond of that area.
So those are our options. We have a little more than a month to get things figured out. I'm half-tempted to tell our landlord he can just forget about July's rent until later. And on top of that, I'm pretty much going to have to bust my ass at work, which means I'm not going to be home much, which leaves April to do all the organizing and packing. I'll do what I can on my 34 hour breaks, but I'll only have about 5 or 6 of those in the coming weeks. So I know both of us are going to be going a bit crazy.
We have some contingency plans just in case nothing good happens in the next few weeks. Things like staying with her mom again. Not desirable at all. Or if we are able to move to Cibolo and the New Braunfels terminal is too slow, April and the kids move down and I stay here for another month or so until I can find a decent paying job down there.
All I know is we're gonna have to bust ass to get this all done.