In Wisconsin, the Republican governor, supported by a Republican majority in the state houses, backed by shadowy Republican pair of brothers, put forth a bill to "rescue" the state's budget from impending doom. Despite the fact that this so-called "crisis" was mostly due to the same Republican leadership that gave massive tax breaks to businesses, it was decided that those who work for the state should suffer the sacrifices by anteing up more for their health care, pensions, etc. Oh, and along the way, also have the union that represents them stripped of it's power to collectively bargain for better wages or benefits in the future. Did you catch that last little bit? In the future? In. The. Future.
Oh, but this bill isn't about union busting. It's about being fiscally sound.
So after the Democratic minority fled the state to prevent a quorum therefore preventing the legislature from voting, the Republicans found a way around that thorny little issue of proper representation by stripping all the spending items from the bill. Leaving only that one little item. You know, the one about busting the union? Yeah, that one.
Oh, but this wasn't about union busting. It's about being fiscally sound.
So after figuring out this little loophole, the state senate and assembly passed the measure onto the governor who promptly signed it into law saving the government of Wisconsin zero dollars as there were no fiscal measures included. So the only result of this little maneuver is the busting of the state employees union.
Oh, but this isn't about union busting. It's about being fiscally sound (maybe if I repeat it enough I'll actually begin to believe it? Maybe?).
Now here comes the fun part. While all this rumpus was going on in Cheeseheadland, their next door neighbour, Michigan, also headed by a Republican governor with Republican majorities in the legislature, quietly tip-toed a measure through both houses. A little, innocuous bill. Hardly worth mentioning at all, really. It only gives the Michigan governor the power to declare a "fiscal emergency" at the local government level, in case a school district or a city seems on the brink of financial ruin. Ok, that doesn't sound so bad. I mean, maybe it would help focus resources towards those entities in need, much like a disaster declaration, no? Oh no, my friend. It's about giving the governor the sole power to fire legally elected officials and replace him with his own.
Wait. Run that by me again?
It gives the governor the power to fire legally, duly elected officials at the local level. Along with the employees of said local level.
Please tell me I am having a nightmare. This can't possibly happen here. This is AMERICA!
Or so I thought. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself : Apparently, in our rush to condemn the Democrats for spending our tax-dollars (egads!), we apparently missed the part about the Republicans and their Tea-bagging friends eliminating rights for everyone who isn't white, Christian, and rich. Unions? Oh, they may help give working stiffs better wages, benefits, and working conditions, but they cost businesses money! Power? Oh, apparently only those at the top are fit to rule the ones down below. And if the ones down below aren't fit, then we'll just fire them, no matter what the little people want, and just install our business friends instead as they need the money since the unions made them go broke.
Are people so naive that they think all of this is good?
I really am at a loss to explain the reasoning behind the above two bills. All it is doing is taking power from people and placing it in the hands of the state. Yet Republicans claim they are the party of limited government. While it is illogical assume that just because these bills have been introduced into these two states means that others states would follow suit, I'm going to bet on that illogical fallacy. Republicans control most of the governorships and state legislatures. I'm sure some may wait to see what happens in the short term, but I'll bet that some other states will take up similar bills.
And I will watch as the middle-class disappears.